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    "I have returned."
  Long before humans had even stepped out of their caverns, doom had come to the world of what are today the Awoken. An advanced but not space-faring society in the late stages of its technological revolution the society of the Awoken was obliterated by a planetary cataclysm, estimated by UNE surveyors to have been an impact with a rogue moon. The entire biosphere and most of the planetary crust was obliterated instantly. However, with the little warning that they probably had, the species that is today the Awoken managed to construct a massive underground shielded vault where they recorded the mindscans of thousands upon thousands of their citizens in black boxes, in the slim hope that perhaps someone would one day discover them. Someone did. A UNE exploration team discovered the vault when investigating an anomaly on the now barren planet but the mind repository was relegated to storage. Some four decades later, with the advances in positronics and artificial intelligence, Sol scientists attempted to download one of the Awoken minds into a UNE Galactic Robotics utility exoshell. The result was stunning. Within a few hors the exoshell had begun to move about , emote and vocalize. Within 24 hours it was completely autonomous to the point of verifiable sapience. The scientists announced to a stunned world that the long dead race had awoken. Within a few years, the revived exemplars of the lost race had all been trasnplanted to suplus exoshells and had taken the name Awoken for their own.
  Awoken consciousnesses were first transferred into Type-V GR Heavy Labor Exoshells, which are 2.2 meters tall and weigh 358 kilograms though a few have transferred to other bodies in the meanwhile. Designed on the cheap for sustained labor conditions in heavy gravity, no atmosphere environments the Type-V makes the Awoken very strong and impervious to vacuum, with bodyparts easily replaceable as long as the centrally located positronic brain stays intact.  It is unknown whether the Awoken retain the mentality of their now defunct bodies but as housed in android shells the Awoken are distant and taciturn, rarely speaking and behaving in a manner more befitting an artificial intelligence than a living person. They rarely decorate their carapaces, choosing instead to do hardware and software upgrades, particularly those that protect their independence from outside hacks and other machine attacks. Indeed most Awoken eschew any type of wireless interface module, preferring to be air gapped from hacking attempts. The Awoken are focused almost exclusively on their continued betterment through science but they are exceedingly grateful and loyal to the UNE and generally protective of all life, as only one who is or was by most definitions of the word dead could be.
The Awoken are seemingly indifferent to their shells, seeing as they can change parts at will but there is a small but increasing number of the Awoken who have begun to personalize their carapaces or swap them for others or even custom models. The world they have chosen to settle has a comparatively tolerable climate and allows for a large number of varied shell types.
  • In Limbo
  • Protective of Life
  • Alive?
+1 STR

Can be rebuilt.
Do not breathe. Immune to the effects of Vacuum .

All Awoken live within United Nations of Earth space.

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