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Chinorr Combine

The Chinorr began their evolutionary journey as dexterous cephalopod analogues. They used their many tentacles to swing between trees in the lush jungles of Chicora, ambushing prey on the ground and injecting them with a potent nerve toxin.   By the time the Chinorr split the atom, the resources of Chicora had been ruthlessly exploited and the planet's jungles had long since disappeared. This was considered a necessary sacrifice in the relentless pursuit of knowledge, profit, and heavy industry that the unsentimental Chinorr were now engaged in.  

Chinorr Combine - Civilization In Brief


Homeworld Chicora, Chiconaph
Government Megacorporation
Ethics Fanatic Materialist, Militarist
Biotype Cephalopod humanoid
Variance Base
Ascension Technological
No. of Planets 34
No. of Systems 87
No. of Corporate Offices 122
Alien Status Non-Shareholding Associate
Synthetic Status Servitude
Borders Closed to Hostiles, Closed to Refugees
Alliance None

Pre Space-flight History

  Tentacled cephalopod analogues with no skeletal system and elongating, prehensile limbs the Chinorr evolved to live alone, in dense foliage, and drop on their prey unsuspectingly. Today they live in crowded plexes on an arid waste of a planet, they hide in plain sight among their corporate peers waiting for their chance to prey on them and rise another tier in the Combine's many departments. Most of them live in perpetual poverty, struggling to make their installment payments between paychecks but would have it no other way. For the Chinorr there are two options - work yourself to death to achieve success and rise higher or be replaced by someone willing to do it.

  Things were not always this way. Chicora, the homeworld of the Chinorr was a lush, verdant place whose resources were stripped and ruthlessly exploited by the different Chinorr polities in a constant game of one-upmanship. By the time the planet had become naught but polluted inland seas, dried riverbeds and scrubland wastes there were no more polities. Near everything had been conquered by the victorious mercantile faction of the Chinorr and the foundation of the Combine had been cast. Of course it took time, effort and a series of devastating Corporate Wars for the victorious faction, the corporations, to become the Combine itself but consolidation was necessary for optimization, or so the Chinorr history books claim.   The Chinorr would no doubt had failed, regressing to a primitive state and fought over the scraps of their once complex civilization if not for the Outer Worlds drive of the Combine. The corporate world-government of the Chinorr bet its future on outer space instead of on planetary reclamation and ecological reconstruction and the Chiconaph system was never the same. The system's rich outer moons were divided into mining plots and leased out to prospectors, some of whom made fortunes while many others became indebted for life. Massive foundries and shipyards were established, solar collectors and volcanic magma turbines, maintained by contractors on short term contracts. Finally, a strong military was established to keep pirates in check even before the Chinorr discovered the Hyperlanes. The Lane Network itself was first identified by an outer system pirate who sold the gateway's location for a position as Director of Exploration. The Director was lost in the first navication attempt, having been given a rough experimental drive.
  First Contact and Expansion   FTL discovery launched a second boom in the Chiconaph system, with tens of millions of Chinorr selling everything they had and selling themselves into debt for cheap, failure prone exploration vessels, desperate to strike it rich in the new worlds. Very few truly made it, a risk the Chinorr were more than happy to take. The Combine followed in the wake of these independent prospectors and explorers, buying out system claims for next to nothing and requisitioning interesting finds and anomaly locations in the name of progress. It was soon after that the Chinorr made first contact with, at the time, a fledgling Tzynn Empire. Thus began a centuries old tale of mutual dislike but begrudging respect. It was not with the violent Tzynn, who fought two wars against the Chinorr in the next century, that the Combine found its true calling but with the smaller, recently ascended to interstellar travel empires of the upper Sagittarius Arm. Chinorr were quick to establish corporate offices on the homeworlds of a half dozens small empires then proceeded to sell them the means to fight one another at very affordable prices while independent but Combine-affiliated prospectors and colonists occupied all the good real estate left in their wake. Yet when the Chinorr attempted to expand downwards through the Orion Spur, in Scyldari territories devastated by the Tzynn they ran into a new problem - the humans of the UNEwho were well versed enough in both warfare and marketing practices to not fall for the Combine's usual package deals. And with the establishment of the Lower belt Federation between the Humans, Lok and Scyldari, the Chinorr have a threat in their flank as big, if not bigger than the one posed by the Tzynn.   Recent Developments   A New Eden
  The UNE has recently charted a section of the Orion Fork close to Chinorr borders, in a region resistant to deep space scanning the Combine's own prospectors - private and corporate had been ignoring for decades. In the depths of a nebula, they have come across a sizeable Gaia World they have named Eden and proceeded to begin colonizing. With hte border worlds already overexploited and seeing more settlers by the day a truly pristine world would be a boon to the Combine. If not for the settlers the world could be easily claimed, it being much closer to Chicora than Earth. With the settlers however intergalactic law would find the Chinorr guilty of aggression and shares would plummet. Yet with the Tzynn on the warpath and so close to the world, too, you never know when a few thousand colonists could go missing...   The Dragon's Hoard

  Between the Tzynn towards the galactic core and the Lower Belt Federation towards the fringe the Chinorr are boxed in on the Sagittarius Arm. Under normal circumstances the Way towards the furthest extremities of the Orion Spur would be open but the way is blocked by one of the strangest creatures in the galaxy. As big as many a planet, the Ether Drake stands as testament to the wondrous things in space but also as barrier towards uncolonized star system. And no matter how much Accounting Division calculates the Drake's worth, the Military keeps insisting that none of the Combine's weapons would even scratch the creature's skin.
  Three months ago, a Combine Research Division expedition ship crossed over into Human territory and attempted to defect, claiming mistreatment, career hindrances and multiple other complaints. The humans escorted the ship to their nearest starbase but declined to accept the defection claiming there is no conflict between the Chinorr Combine and the UNE. A standard week ago the UNE finally released custody of the ship back to a Combine Fleet and returned the crew, who professed its loyalty continuously, even as it was reassigned to core sampling duty on the poison moon of Vashen. A number of high ranking scientists, the instigators of the insurrection, are however conspicuously missing, and the humans claim that they have escaped their oversight and slipped away.
Corporation, Conglomerate

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