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    "Ah yes, the poison aerosols I sprayed into the room seem to be taking effect."
  The Chinorr are descended from arboreal cephalopods, ambush predators who hid in the lush canopies of their home world and injected prey with a potent neurotoxin. Today their homeworld of Chicora is an arid waste, with its resources exploited and its jungles a distant memories. The Chinorr are predators of a different kind, caste-like corpos whose only drive is the bottom line. Rigidly structured into a corporate ladder with over two hundred rungs the Chinorr work themselves to death to reach that long awaited next level that comes with a 1% pay raise and one extra free day claimable per cycle. Their society is intensely inequal and the Chinorr would have it no other way, to the point where it becomes unclear if their do-anything individualism is the cause or the logical consequence of their society. The Chinorr do not care, they simply want to get ahead in their job, become Team Leader then Executive Team Leader, Department Head, Director, Director General, Undersecretary, Secretary, High Board Member and one day, perhaps Chairman. All is within reach if you just lift yourself up by your tentacles and bury the bodies deep!
  Lacking bones, Chinorr can vary their heights but in general stand at about 1.8 meters tall and average around 80 kilograms, with no noticeable difference between genders. Chinorr live for 75 years on average with lower rung workers and mid-level executives having the shortest lifespans for vastly different reasons. Any body modification, implant or booster is fair game for the Chinorr and higher level executives and operatives are said to spend as much as their entire salary on capacity boosters. Chinorr of all tiers are very likely to hatch schemes on their own for the betterment of the Combine and themselves and this behavior is encouraged as long as it is successful and undetected. If not, the individual is downgraded to a position where even their continued existence is toxic and painful. This struggle-based advancement makes Chinorr exceptionally cunning, treacherous and persuasive. Their poison glands are now all but vestigial but the Chinorr have maintained both their penchant for toxins and their ability to climb all kinds of surfaces with their sticky tentacles. Chinorr and accomplished liars and should rarely if ever taken at their word but they can always be relied upon to follow their own interest and to work themselves to death in pursuit of said interest.
Chinorr both obsess over their appearance to superiors and are completely indifferent to it in relation to underlings but every individual that can afford it will try to use cybernetics, exosuits and whatever else they can find to better itself. This is most visible in the military, where high ranking operatives are so geared out and modded that they barely resemble their species.
  • cunning
  • independent
  • treacherous
+1 Int
  Fast talkers - checks relating to trading are EASY.
Climbers - Can climb almost any surface, even stand upside down on ceilings.

Chinorr can be found everywhere but most live (and own shares!) in the Chinorr Combine.

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