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Star Name Dal-Lokkur A
Class G
Age 4.1 billion years
Temperature 5412K
Size 0.9 SU

Star Name Dal-Lokkur B
Class M
Age 4.1 billion years
Temperature 3400K
Size 0.44 SU

Star Name Dal-Lokkur C
Class K
Age 4.1 billion years
Temperature 4600K
Size 0.72 SU

The system that the Lokken Mechanists call home is a massive array of three main sequence stars, each with its own planetary system. Two of the stars, Dal-Lokkur A and C are in a relatively close interaction with the third, consisting of the red dwarf Dal-Lokkur B orbiting around the pair on a wide off-kilter ellipse. Today it is a bustling system home to not only Lokkur, the Lok homeworld but to its largest shipyard, and the mooring posts for the greater part of the Lokken Fleet.
There are over a hundred planets, dwarf planets, moons, facilities and large asteroids in the three-star system, most home to at least a symbollic Lok presence, all coordinated and ran by the large cadre of technocrats taht coordinates and runs the entire Lokken Mechanist territory. But more importantly the entire system is teeming with automated transports, sentient systems and Robotic workers.


  The second planet orbiting Dal-Lokkur A is the homeworld of the Lok people, an arid, craggy planet of high mesas and parched plateaus where the territorial ancestors of the Lokks evolved from the planet's mostly cold blooded, reptilian fauna. Originally ambush predators who could spend several days in one place to stalk prey the Lokks developed a penchant towards attentiveness, spatial thinking and diligence, an inclination perfect for technical application. Almost since prehistory the Lokks have been building machines: wood and canvas aerial launchers to help cross treacherous canyons between mesas, cranes and trebuchets to lift or hurl heavy rocks and powerful drills and burrowing devices to reach deep veins of ore. Since the industrial revolution, however near all heavy labor has been done by automatons, cog and steam propelled at first, then fossil fuel powered and finally electrically powered. Today, the robots and droids of the Lokken Mechanists outnumber their makers even on their homeworld, With seven billion Lokks living on Lokkur but almost eight billion droids laboring in its mines and workshops. The mines and energy plants in the rest of the system takes the number of droids to almost ten billion with future plans to double the number and establish whole worlds automatically mined and exploited by machines. This has caused a conundrum in Lok space, as many citizens recognize Droid mental capabilities as limited sentience, and thus subject to the same laws and liberties as any inhabitant race but fear the political implications of giving ten billion unaging, undying automatons equal rights with the more transient citizens. This is a much bigger deal than it would be in other societies as Lok political life is centered around direct digital democracy, unending sharedspace debates and monthly referenda on both local, planetary and empire wide issues.

  Lokkur is open to all that can stand its harsh climate and who are willing to subject themselves to the rigorous, compartmentalized society dictated by the technocratic cadre. It is also home to the Morezac Institute - a center of higher learning and research for droids and other machine intelligences that seem to surpass the limits of their programming. The center is a place for the AI intelligences to evolve in a space that is safe both to themselves and to sentient beings around them.

    Lokkur - Comparative statistics
/ Planet Baseline
Planet Size 1.07 1.00
Planet Type Warm ST Temperate ST
Distance From Star 1.2 AU 1 AU
Orbital period 387 SD 365 SD
Day 18.5 SH 24 SH
Gravity 1.04 G 1.00 G
Biosphere Tier 4.0 4.0
Temperature Range -44 - +27 - +82 -89 - +14 - +60
Atmosphere Compatibility 79% 100%
Revised Earth Similarity Index 0.77 1.00
Hazards None None

  Lokkur - Demographics:
Planet Class Capital
Population + cca droids
Breakdown by species 45% Lok
53 % Droid
2% Other
Breakdown by rights 45% Citizens
55% Residents
Breakdown by class 5% Ruling Class (5% Administrators)
65% Middle Class ( 20% Researchers, 5% Artisans, 15% Tech Specialists , 5% Law Enforcement, 5% Culture Workers, 15% Bureaucrats)
30% Working Class (10% Technicians, 12% Clerks, 8% Military)
Droid Labor not included (20% Middle Class Technicians, Artisans 80% Working Class Miners, Farmers)
Breakdown by wealth 2% very wealthy
33% wealthy
33% middle income
30% poor
3% Very poor
Droid living standards not included (100% Very Poor)

Solar System

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