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Star Name Dir-Xan A
Class F
Age 3.9 billion years
Temperature 6750K
Size 1.4 SU

Star Name Dir-Xan B
Class G
Age 3.9 billion years
Temperature 5520K
Size 0.9 SU

Star Name Dir-Xan C
Class Brown Dwarf
Age 3.9 billion years
Temperature 1238K
Size 0.1 SU

The Dir-Xan System is one of the most complex ones to have given birth to life in the lower quadrant and it is especially lucky that a system so young has given birth to not one but two radically different intelligent species, simultaneously, on the same world. The Vheln were, of course, "helped along" in their evolution by the Xani, for use as labor but the occurrence is still an incredibly strange one, the equivalent of octopi developing rudimentary culture and civilization on earth at the same time as humans, especially for such a complex system.

  The Dir-Xan System consists of three objects each with its own planetary system. Dir-Xan A is an FV yellow-white dwarf with three mineral-rich terrestrial planets and a Gas giant companion. Dir-Xan C is a moderately large brown dwarf with two barren carbon planets and a very metal-rich super-earth. Dir-Xan B is the true birthplace of the Xanid Suzerainty, a G class star with three planets - a Large gas giant with several ice moons, a molten super-earth and the arid, rocky Xanth, plus its lunar companion, the supermoon Qwilk.   Xanth  

A relatively young planet with tall looming mountain ranges, vast arid mesas and deep canyons with massive raging rivers Xanth is perpetually affected by the pull of its massive moon. Earthquakes are common, as are powerful rolling floods on the mesas, when rivers are quite literally pulled out of their canyons and onto the flats. Despite all this the planet's biosphere is booming, adapting constantly to new environments and evolving at a rapid pace, partly due to the recurring bursts of radiation received from the Dir-Xan A. This is the homeworld of the Xani and the Vheln, two vastly different species interconnected in a symbiotic story of taming a harsh environment.
In prehistory the Xani and the Vheln were rival species, with the reptilian, hulking Vhelnid often out-competing and sometimes preying on the Xanid populace. But with the advantage of longer lifespans and native intelligence the Xani soon began to outsmart the Vheln and, after several millennia of skirmishes, attested through the fossil record the Vheln were subjugated, reduced to a state of benevolent self-selected servitude and the two species began to function as one, with the smarter, longer lived insectile Xani as rulers.

  This state of symbiosis survives to this day, with the Vheln seemingly content in their status as the perpetual backbone of Xanid Suzerainty society. Xanth is now a metropolis, with over eight billion Xani and six billion Vheln calling it home with unspecified further numbers around the system, especially numerous Vheln doing heavy labor in orbital mining rigs. The system is closed to outsider species looking to settle with the Xani complaining about there barely being enough room on Xanth for the Xani and their dependants. The only exception is diplomatic staff from other races, who is usually regarded with the same impatient benevolence as the Vheln.

  Xani are masters of genetic selection and manipulation and individuals have been known to enhance themselves with genetic alterations, as long as they are not outwardly visible. Cyberware however is anathema, and Xani law prevents it even being used on Vheln, except for military applications.

    Xanth - Comparative statistics
/ Planet Baseline
Planet Size 0.95 1.00
Planet Type Warm ST Temperate ST
Distance From Star 0.9 AU 1 AU
Orbital period 344 SD 365 SD
Day 22 SH 24 SH
Gravity 1.00 G 1.00 G
Biosphere Tier 4.0 4.0
Temperature Range -34 - +21 - +80 -89 - +14 - +60
Atmosphere Compatibility 83% 100%
Revised Earth Similarity Index 0.87 1.00
Hazards Solar Flares,

  Xanth - Demographics:
Planet Class Capital
Breakdown by species 51% Xani
47% Vheln

2% Other
Breakdown by rights 51% Citizens
49% Accepted
Breakdown by class 10% Ruling Class (8% Command, 1% Military Leadership, 1% Traders )
25% Middle Class ( 7% Researchers, 3% Artisans, 2% Tech Specialists , 5% Law Enforcement, 3% Culture Workers, 5% Bureaucrats)
55% Working Class (20% Technicians, 10% Miners, 15% Menials, 3% Farmers, 7% Military)
Breakdown by wealth 10% very wealthy
25% wealthy
20% middle income
30% poor
15% Very poor

Solar System

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