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Eden Prime

Star Name Eden Prime
Class G
Age 3.6 billion years
Temperature 5610 K
Size 1.1 R

  One of the four major local sphere nebulae on the coreward edge of the Sagittarius Arm, the Apache nebula has long been an obsession of Dr. Morgan Dhal, one of the oldest and most decorated scientists in the UNE Science Corps. Thirty years prior, as the head archeologist on the UNS Archimedes Dr. Dhal helped decipher a mural found in a precursor dig site. The mural was highly abstract, unlike nearby figurative depictions and  seemed to present a series of fixed points in space. When painstakingly 3d charted onto a map of the Galaxy in a years long process, these coordinates overlapped with several star systems, three of which were in the local sphere. Dr. Dhal, having become convinced these coordinates are significant, managed to convince UNE Science Corps to organize a mission charting these locations with him in charge, despite having no prior experience in astrophysics or exploratory missions. After a decade of exploratory work Dr Dhal had uncovered two of the three nearby sets of coordinates, which proved disappointing - an unremarkable system with signs of several worlds destroyed in some cosmic cataclysm and a system with signs of a massive battle many thousands of years ago and an irradiated tomb world. The third set of coordinates seemed to point to a location in the Apache Nebula, a deep interstellar cloud impenetrable by long-distance scans. With UNE resources reallocated to more promising projects Dr. Dhal decided to continue the search himself, charting a private transport and scouring the depths of the Apache Nebula. After several years of difficult life on the rim of UNE space one of the stars that Dr. Dhal was investigating within the nebula proved to be the jackpot that the scientist had spent more than three decades chasing: Eden Prime and its Gaia World, Eden.

  The Eden Prime System is almost designed to maximize chances of life. Not only is its main terrestrial planet, Eden, straight in the middle of Eden Prime's Goldilocks zone and with two sequence locked moons to boot, not only is Eden Prime itself a warm, stable G-class star but there are two super-Jupiter gas giants in the outer system, one almost as large as a brown dwarf, to attract any errant comets and space rocks. The only other planet, Tantalus is a molten super-earth rich in rare metals and minerals.


  Eden itself is an incredibly rare "Gaia World", a lush, diverse world that offers near perfect habitable conditions for all Carbon-based nitrogen-oxygen breathing bioforms. Tall perpetually glacier-capped mountains, endless fertile savannas, wide, shallow warm lagoons and hot deserts that receive just enough precipitation to bloom on a monthly basis make the planet perfect for all kinds of lifeforms regardless of their preferred temperature range. Furthermore the incredibly diverse biosphere of the planet produces an abundance of broadly bio-compatible native foodstufs. In short the planet is perfect for sustaining life, intelligent or otherwise but is free of any native sentient species. But above all, Eden is beautiful, with nearly every corner of the world presenting sights that would be considered attractions on any other planet. THis makes eden the first world accessible to humans to have received a "Gaia" designation, With an effective BT of 5.0 and a RESI of 1.1 indicated a world more suited for human life than the Earth itself.
  Recently established in an area previously designated as neutral space, Eden has barely begun its colonization process, and the system does not even have a fully fledged Starbase yet.

  Eden - Comparative statistics
/ Planet Baseline
Planet Size 1.12 1.00
Planet Type Gaia ST Temperate ST
Distance From Star 1.12 AU 1 AU
Orbital period 400 SD 365 SD
Day 26 SH 24 SH
Gravity 1.05 G 1.00 G
Biosphere Tier 3.3 (5.0) 4.0
Temperature Range -100 - +16 - +55 -89 - +14 - +60
Atmosphere Compatibility 95% 100%
Revised Earth Similarity Index 1.10 1.00
Hazards None None

  Eden - Demographics:  
Planet Class Colony
Population 12.232
Breakdown by species 77% Human
13% Scyldari
7% Lok
3% Awoken
Breakdown by rights 100% Colonist (Citizen status w vote restrictions)
Breakdown by class 5% Ruling Class (5% Administrators )
10% Middle Class ( 8% Researchers, 2% Specialists)
85% Working Class (10% Technicians, 20% Miners, 75% Colonists)
Breakdown by wealth 15% High
85% Variable Colonist

Star System

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