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Star Name Exedor
Class G
Age 5.1 billion years
Temperature 5310K
Size 0.9 SU

  A weak star with a rich system around it, Exedor is on the lower end of the spectrum for a G class star, with large periods of output fluctuation leading to a variable Goldilocks Zone. Hiverion, the Voor homeworld is in the critical part of that habitability zone during periods of high activity, and right on the edge of it in periods of low activity.
  The three closest planets to the star are uninhabitable super-earths with the closest, Kulman Mog, a massive, blisteringly hot planet three and a half times the size of Earth severely destabilized by the proximity (half the distance of Mercury) and likely to break up in the next million or so years. Virik Mog and Vi Simni, the two other super-earths have interesting localized physics and present research interest. The remaining terrestrial worlds are all mineral poor and barren with the exception of the furthest of the system's planets Vi Tillik which is rich with titanium and other rare metals. The system's two gas giants also have intricate ring and moon systems that are ripe for mining and energy collection.

  Hiverion   The forth planet of the Exedor System, Hiverion is the home of the Voor species and was almost the tomb of the Voor species as well. A medium sized world, Hiverion has a five million year frost-thaw cycle due to Exedor's inconstant power output. The Voor evolved during one of the planet's thaw cycles from bipedal, hermaphroditic monotreme hunter-gatherers into an advanced and relatively peaceful civilization with knowledge of astronomy, mathematics and metallurgy. Though there had been earlier signs of the planet gradually cooling, by the time the Voor reached an accelerated industrial age it had become clearer that the planet would continue to do so, basically becoming an unlivable ice world even in the warmest equatorial regions. The remnants of the Voor nations quickly united into an emergency government whose sole purpose was survival and the halting of ecological decline. The Voor also took to the crude modification of their own body to better survive the frost as they searched the ice fields for resources, a custom they still hold to that makes them disturbing even to species who encourage body modification.   Though Hiverion's transformation into a frozen world was halted the planet is still very cold, with the polar hemispheres under blankets of ice and a thin band of vegetation around the equator. Around six billion Voor live in the equatorial band, with a further billion in ice-bored settlements and cities built around volcanic vents. A large part of the planet's population constantly moves to the colonies through a planet wide lottery although a mandatory population of six and a half billion has been decreed to always remain on Hiverion. The population control goes both ways with permits needed to settle on Hiverion and, indeed, in the Exedor System in general and most alien species excluded from settling except as domestic servants. All embassies and delegations are restricted to The Nexus, Exedor's Primary starport and trade hub.

  The Voor have a tradition of body modification and enhancement and many have shed the boundaries of what can be considered "Voor-ness" altogether. There are at least five subspecies of Voor, modified through genetic manipulation but especially cybernetic enhancement into forms suitable for high or low G environments, other atmosphere types, extreme temperatures or simply new bioforms altogether. Their number is not insignificant, although too radical a modification may call into question the true "Voor-ness" of an individual and thus its rights.

  Hiverion - Comparative statistics
/ Planet Baseline
Planet Size 1.20 1.00
Planet Type Cold ST Temperate ST
Distance From Star 1.32 AU 1 AU
Orbital period 431 SD 365 SD
Day 34 SH 24 SH
Gravity 1.12 G 1.00 G
Biosphere Tier 4.0 (2.1) 4.0
Temperature Range -112 - +2 - +30 -89 - +14 - +60
Atmosphere Compatibility 89% 100%
Revised Earth Similarity Index 0.72 1.00
Hazards None None

  Hiverion - Demographics:
Planet Class Capital
Population 6.495.000.000
Breakdown by species 85% Voor
12% Voor Variants
1% Extreme Voor
2% Other
Breakdown by rights 43% Citizens
38% Residents
19% Intentured
Breakdown by class 10% Ruling Class (4% Administrators, 4% Directorate Scientists, 2% Military Elite )
55% Middle Class ( 22% Researchers, 5% Artisans, 10% Tech Specialists , 12% Military, 1% Culture Workers, 5% Bureaucrats)
35% Working Class (8% Technicians, 8% Miners, 19% indentured)
Breakdown by wealth 10% very wealthy
15% wealthy
30% middle income
25% poor
20% Very poor

Solar System

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