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Ladnah Vyg

Star Name Ladnah Vyg
Class F
Age 3.8 billion years
Temperature 6815 K
Size 1.3 SU

  A rich and prosperous system, Ladnah Vyg gave birth to the Glebsig, a race of friendly airborne molluscoids that proved easy prey for the Voor Technocracy.

Sheltered within a nebula the F-class Ladnak Vyg Yellow-White dwarf was not an ideal candidate for life. A dense asteroid belt close to the Star meant there was a high chance of life annihilating impacts despite the star's generous habitable zone. Indeed this is what likely happened with the now barren world of Glugguld - Ladnah-Vyg I whose position dead center in the Goldilocks zone and large moon would all but ensure life developing there. indeed recent research has revealed trace amounts of water and fossilized bacteria remnants meaning the world likely had life in its past, life that could no longer exist after the planet lost its atmosphere, no doubt due to some massive impact.

  Instead, life arose on the much more modestly placed second planet, Ladnah - a terrestrial, craggy world full of incredibly tall mountains and equally deep lakes between the peaks. Cold, at the outer range of the habitable zone, Ladnah was a frigid mountainous world, but one protected form cosmic bombardment due to its close orbit syncronicity to Maggduur, or Ladnah Vyg III, a Jupiter sized giant. The outer reaches of the system are rich with ice and isotopes while the inner belt, remnants of the closest planet to orbit Ladnah Vyg, is rich in rare metal asteroids.

So when the Voor arrived in a system that was rich, with planetary and even interplanetary resource operations and little to no fleet, the decision was almost instantaneous to occupy it and pacify its populace.


  The Voor descended like hellfire over the frigid rocky Ladnah and while there were some military holdouts the takeover was near instantaneous, the peaceful Glebsig not offering much resistance. The Voor were quick to ban any form of religion on the world and setting up invasive reprogramation camps for the natives. Millions of the fragile Glebsigdied due to brutal treatment, with millions more nerve stapled or driven insane by the process. Today the remnants of the Glebsig Race live under the occupation of the Voor military with civilian infrastructure run by a voor-friendly brainwashed elite.   Ladnah - Comparative statistics
/ Planet Baseline
Planet Size 1.22 1.00
Planet Type Cool ST Temperate ST
Distance From Star 1.53 AU 1 AU
Orbital period 477 SD 365 SD
Day 18 SH 24 SH
Gravity 1.2 G 1.00 G
Biosphere Tier 4.0 4.0
Temperature Range -124 - +10 - +47 -89 - +14 - +60
Atmosphere Compatibility 89% 100%
Revised Earth Similarity Index 0.87 1.00
Hazards Occupation,

  Ladnah - Demographics:
Planet Class Occupied World
Breakdown by species 92% Glebsig
8% Voor

Breakdown by rights 8% Citizens
92% Indenture
Breakdown by class 8% Ruling Class (1% Command, 3% Military Leadership, 2% Traders )
17% Middle Class ( 2% Local leaders, 3% Artisans, 2% Tech Specialists , 5% Law Enforcement, 5% Bureaucrats)
75% Working Class (20% Technicians, 30% Miners, 20% Menials, 5% Farmers,)
Breakdown by wealth 8% very wealthy
7% wealthy
20% middle income
30% poor
35% Very poor

  Enlightenment Station   The System's primary trade and military hub, enlightenment station is Voor run, and optimized for the occupiers. It is the export hub for most minerals and goods produce out of the system and into the Voor Market. It is also home to the Voor Ladnah "Safeguarding fleet" and two assault army corps complete with transports and drop pods.
Star System

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