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    "Our unhindered passing is a prerequisite for your continued existence."
  The Lok are a reptilian race from an arid world with an almost preternatural gift for machinery and robotics. Egalitarian and meritocratic Lokks are devoted to the pursuit of knowledge, almost exclusively practical knowledge that can be used in the furthering of technology. The Lok have no philosophies, no religions and no need for ritual, in the classic sense. Their rituals are all related to technological and scientific self-improvement, with mathematical mantras taking the place of prayer and mechanical construction as ritual. And nowhere is this better visible than in the technological achievements of the Mechanists in the field of robotics. The Lok do not seek to worship deities, instead aspiring to becoming gods themselves.
  Lokks stand at about 1.4 to 1.8 meters tall and average around 70 kilograms, with females noticeably sturdier and taller. They live for upwards of 90 years and only breed once in their lifetime. The Lok see no purpose in tattoos or body modification and only use cybernetics to enhance their own abilities. Indeed, the Lokks are so indifferent to individual expression that other species can often only tell Lok apart through their cybernetics or signature equipment. Lok are of average strength and have middling reflexes but are lean and wiry as befits arid waste dwellers. Lok are often inscrutable to other races, and speak in modular, neutral phrases that are difficult even for translation algorithms to understand. Yet their intelligence and technical skill is indisputable. Lokks seem built for fine mechanical labor with long and delicate seven fingered hands, with digits that swivel independently.
As a rule, the Lok focus on modifying and bettering machines and prefer to use mechanical devices rather than becoming them, as they consider that any piece of cyberware they might install would soon become obsolete and a security flaw. But there is a significant minority of the Lok that has decided to pursue perfection and immortality through mechanical implants and cyberware. They are looked upon as strange but tolerated.
  • smart
  • Natural engineers
  • self-effacing
+1 Int
  Mechanical Mind - All Mechanical and Repair related tasks are EASY.

Almost all Lokks live within the Lokken Mechanists Polity.

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