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    "I am not afraid, friend. Like Uthlan before me I flow between the manyfold pathways of probability to my foretold destiny. Take care, lest your destiny end here. "
    The Scyldari are hair-covered amphibious mammalians devoted to a life of byzantine religious observance and peace. Regardless of their true occupation Scyldari live to fulfill a series of tests, pilgrimages and landmarks that will ensure their meld into the common spirit with their ancestors and loved ones. Non-observant Scyldari are said to be doomed to a period of purgatory as free roaming spirits, feeling the pain of the Universe around them, a period determined by the nature and number of their tresspasses.
  Scyldari stand at about 1.5 to 1.7 meters tall and average around 95 kilograms, with little to no sexual dymorphism, apart from larger claws on males and larger breasts on females. They are amphibious, and can live for variable amounts of years, averaging about 85 years but with some members who have fallen behind on their "manyfold way" reported to have lived double that. Scyldari believe in the sanctity of their body and refrain from body modification and even unnecesary surgery. Scyldari are physically weak but spiritually strong, and very likeable, even to hostile races. They make excellent diplomats, artists and craftsmen and are easy to read and honorable. Scyldari religion is dogma, social work, medicine and philosophy all in one and the species believes that helping those in need is not just right but a moral imperative. Scyldari are welcome almost everywhere and are known to establish small monasteries, called Refuges, with free housing facilities and free healthcare offered to all, in the warm seas of many planets.

Scyldari are more interested in their spiritual fulfillment than genetic perfection but recently the species has started to have increasing number of naturally talented empath and psionicists.
  • religious
  • peaceful
  • diplomatic
+1 Wis
+1 Cha
Amphibious - Can breathe underwater.

The primary Scyldari polity is the Scyldari Confederacy.

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