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Star Name Scyldon
Class F
Age 1.3 billion years
Temperature 6930K
Size 1.2 SU

  A rather young star by most measurements Scyldon is a yellow-white dwarf, a bright, fast burning star and one considered unlikely to give birth to an advanced civilization, simply because the time needed for planets stable enough to bear life is often in the several billion year range. Nonetheless the Scyldon system has given birth to one of the culturally richest civilizations in known space, one that has managed for millennia to walk the ideological tightrope between religion and science. Today as the Scyldari have spread through the stars the system is still an enduring beacon for their complex, altruistic belief system, a beacon that each Scyldari must visit at least once during their lifetime. All the planets and moons in the Scyldon system have some religious significance for the Scyldari and near all have shrines and temples either in orbit or on their surface. Uthian's Shrine (Scyldon I) for instance is a radiation ravaged barren world with strong surface gravity but it invariably has specially trained monks tending to its polar temple, in turn visited by hundreds of thousands each year. The frozen moons of the outer gas giants were not even discovered until shortly before the Scyldari developed spaceflight but each has a special determined role in the Confederacy's theology, allegedly as written in far older scriptures.

This obsession with explanation and predetermination is perhaps understandable for such a lucky race as the Scyldari. Their homeworld, Scyldaria is one of the two large moons of the gas giant Dissadia, a heavenly body that has continuously absorbed asteroid impacts that would have no doubt otherwise shattered the small planet and snuffed out all life on it. Indeed the two other planets within the Habitable zone if Scyldon, Mani's Den and Firtle's Web seem to have suffered just this fate.


  The second moon of Dissadia, or Scyldon III, is the only one in the system to sustain life. There is some evidence to the moon's warm oceans having been "pollinated" by life from the now toxic, Venus-like Collonia's Homestead (Scyldon II) in the distant past but as far as the Scyldari are concerned their race could only have arisen in the shallow tide-pools and underwater forests of Scyldaria. Today, twelve billion Scyldari call the planet home with a further twenty million either living in settlements on other planets and moons in the system or aboard the massive Hati's Pilgrimage Station. Scyldaria has very little landmass and the surface of the landmass receives an inordinate amount of UV radiation so the cradle of Scyldari civilization has been the ocean, in particular the shallows around the archipelagos. While civilization developed beneath the waves and the vast majority of population still lives there , most of the heavy industry and practical research takes place above the surface where the amphibious Scyldari have exiled near all dangerous activities. The surface is however still beautiful, with most landmasses covered in bluish tree-analogues and with many species of fast evolving surface mammals.

  Beneath the waves, the moon is even more beautiful, teeming with wildlife and beautiful vistas and full of incredible riches. If not for the enduring threat of space rock bombardment and their spiritual seeker quests among the stars one can hardly think of a reason to leave the moon.

Scyldaria - Comparative statistics
/ Planet Baseline
Planet Size 0.93 1.00
Planet Type Temperate PO Temperate ST
Distance From Star 1.7 AU 1 AU
Orbital period/ Satellite Period 413 SD/ 4SD 365 SD
Day 5 x 6 SH 24 SH
Gravity 0.90 G 1.00 G
Biosphere Tier 4.0 4.0
Temperature Range -33 - +23 - +72 -89 - +14 - +60
Atmosphere Compatibility 93% 100%
Revised Earth Similarity Index 0.95 1.00
Hazards None None

  Scyldaria - Demographics:
Planet Class Capital
Breakdown by species 95% Scyldari
5% Other
Breakdown by rights 99% Citizens
1% Residents
Breakdown by class 10% Ruling Class (3% Administrators, 2% Politicians, 2% Traders , 3% High Clergy)
55% Middle Class ( 10% Researchers, 9% Artisans, 6% Tech Specialists , 3% Law Enforcement, 9% Culture Workers, 7% Bureaucrats, 11% Clergy)
35% Working Class (13% Technicians, 7% Miners, 7% Clerks, 5% Farmers, 3% Military)
Breakdown by wealth 3% very wealthy
47% wealthy
40% middle income
9% poor
1% Very poor

Solar System

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