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Star Name Sol
Class G
Age 4.6 billion years
Temperature 5780K
Size 1.0 SU

The cradle of humanity and home to the long ailing Earth, the Sol system has only lost some of its importance as humanity has spread to the stars. Today it is still home to the earthlings' greatest shipyards, most of their art and culture production and home to the UNE parliament, the seat of UNE political power.

The system has eight planets and a number of planetoids and asteroids and efforts have been made in the past to colonize many of them. To this day there are mining, research or corporate manufacturing settlements on most large bodies and some moderate to sizeable settlements in the belt and on the Jovian Moons. And there is talk of one day terraforming Mars, but there has always been talk of that, since before humans could even reach it.


The third planet in the Sol system remains, however the only life supporting candidate so far, and even as humanity has taken to the stars its home still hosts eleven billion inhabitants, divided between its two hemispheres.

The Earth has been through a lot, including war, ecological collapse and climate change but every time humans have been able to bring it back from the brink. Scandinavia has been decontaminated and reclaimed, the Great Pacific Garbage patch cleaned, the Sahara cultivated and the great sprawling slums of North America and Southern Africa are sanitized and gentrified. With its climate stabilized and its biosphere replenished the Earth once more is a manufacture, research and trade hub yet now its goods and people are bound for the stars.

About a million humans live in close Earth orbit habitats or on Luna but the largest single number of offworld inhabitants is clustered around Centerpoint station, Earth's primary space hub and one of the UNE's largest shipyards. Centerpoint station has developed around a core in existence since before the advent of grav induction, when inhabitants had to stick to the rotating exterior or drift in zero g and that pioneer mentality has stuck. Some of the best free space machinery operators in the known sphere hail from or have trained at Centerpoint and the station is also a long term berthing facility for the Inner Worlds fleet and the Federation Fleet.

Sol has always been a welcoming system for immigrants but the human homeworld has drawn few other species, with the exception of a few colonies of Scyldari living in the North Californian shallows and in coastal Australia, helping to regrow and harvest the west coast kelp forests and revive the Great Barrier Reef.

Instead, Earth, or Terra, can be said to have given birth to a second star-faring species, the Prime Human or Terran, a group of genetically enhanced and self-selected humans, so different from baseline humans that they are basically another species. The Terrans have grown out of a number of rich, separatist identity movements looking for independence among the stars. So far they have found increased autonomy in several new galactic colonies.

Earth - Comparative statistics
/ Planet Baseline
Planet Size 1.00 1.00
Planet Type Temperate ST Temperate ST
Distance From Star 1 AU 1 AU
Orbital period 365 SD 365 SD
Day 24 SH 24 SH
Gravity 1.00 G 1.00 G
Biosphere Tier 4.0 4.0
Temperature Range -89 - +14 - +60 -89 - +14 - +60
Atmosphere Compatibility 100% 100%
Revised Earth Similarity Index 1.00 1.00
Hazards None None

  Earth - Demographics:
Planet Class Capital
Population 10.895.000.000
Breakdown by species 85% Human
12% Prime Human
1% Scyldari
2% Other
Breakdown by rights 92% Citizens
8% Residents
Breakdown by class 5% Ruling Class (1% Administrators, 1% Politicians, 3% Traders )
45% Middle Class ( 9% Researchers, 7% Artisans, 7% Tech Specialists , 5% Law Enforcement, 6% Culture Workers, 11% Bureaucrats)
55% Working Class (17% Technicians, 8% Miners, 20% Clerks, 3% Farmers, 7% Military)
Breakdown by wealth 10% very wealthy
35% wealthy
40% middle income
10% poor
5% Very poor

Solar System

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