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Star Name Thalask
Class M
Age 4.7 billion years
Temperature 3640K
Size 0.8 SU

The Thalask System was an outlier in the race to produce an intelligent civilization, lacking some of the usual stellar features that lead to bountiful biospheres and therefore intelligent life. But on the massive Savanna world of Thrall, Thalask's second planet after a molten super-earth life had struck a precarious balance A hot world despite the lackluster power of its star, Thrall had won the stellar lottery, thriving in Thalask's slim goldilocks zone. The large-but-not-large-enough Super-Jupiter companion to Thalask could have been a brown dwarf but served a purpose in protecting Thrall from asteroid bombardment and passing near enough to it every 5000 years or so to protect it from becoming tidally locked to the red dwarf. The whole system offered an abundance of metals and minerals including naturally occurring rare alloys on Thalask I. In brief, despite its problems, Thalask would have been a great home system for the Mastari. Instead it became a perfect mining colony for the Tzynn.   Thrall   With a mass of 1.7 the Earth's and a dense atmosphere that just managed to avoid a rampant greenhouse cycle, Thrall is a harsh planet to live on. Most landmasses are covered in packed grasslands peppered with sparse, stunted tree-like forms, criss crossed by slow, deep rivers spilling out into deep seas. Salt pans and eerie mud flats covered in brightly colored blooms sizzle under the enormous red sun in the sky. Yet life found a way to thrive, both in the deep, rich oceans and on land. Reptiles were best suited to populate the world but the dominant species turned out to be a squat, quadruped mammalian race, the Mastari, hairless wolf like creatures with finely tuned tentacle like mandibular beards and prehensile tails. The Mastari overcame the harsh environment and crushing gravity to become masters of Thrall, developing a sophisticated civilization around religion and oratory. War was considered the ultimate failure, even if the Mastary were suited for violence. The Mastari had developed the steam engine and astronomy when one night they observed a comet that seemed to be moving erratically in orbit, on its own accord. It was widely deemed a bad sign. The wise men of the Mastari didn't have a clue just how right they were.   Less than a year later, the Tzynn invasion fleet started landing clan after clan of ruthless warriors while an armada bombarded the primitive cities of the Mastari from orbit, obliterating one after another. Despite the Mastari's powerful build and knowledge of the home terrain the Tzynn could not be stopped. The Empire conquered Thrall and enslaved its entire population.   Today, almost a century later the Tzynn still rule with an iron fist, forcing the Mastari into heavy labor in thge system and even on other worlds. Recently they have even started forcefully recruiting the largest Mastari into breeding and training programs, seeking to make slave armies of them.

  Thrall - Comparative statistics
/ Planet Baseline
Planet Size 1.73 1.00
Planet Type Warm ST Temperate ST
Distance From Star 0.2 AU 1 AU
Orbital period 44 SD 365 SD
Day 13 SH 24 SH
Gravity 1.7 G 1.00 G
Biosphere Tier 4.0 4.0
Temperature Range -15 - +30 - +77 -89 - +14 - +60
Atmosphere Compatibility 82% 100%
Revised Earth Similarity Index 0.53 1.00
Hazards High Gravity None

  Thrall - Demographics:
Planet Class Occupied World
Population 5.512.000.000
Breakdown by species 25% Tzynn
65% Mastari
10% Enslaved Others
Breakdown by rights 15% Citizens
10% Subjects
75% Slaves
Breakdown by class 5% Ruling Class (2% Nobles, 2% Administrators, 1% Commanders )
13% Middle Class ( 5% Tech Specialists , 5% Law Enforcement, 3% Bureaucrats)
7% Working Class (7% Military)
75% Slaves ( 25% Miners 25% Farmers, 10% Domestics, 10% Slave Clerks, 5% Slave Specialists)
Breakdown by wealth 5% very wealthy
10% wealthy
10% middle income
30% poor
45% Very poor

Star System

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