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Star Name Trappist
Class K Cool Red Dwarf
Age 7.3 billion years
Temperature 2570K
Size 0.12 R

A strange, dense and radiation wracked system with several life-bearing planets in very close orbits, the Trappist systems is above all historically significant for the development of the United Nations of Earth. Discovered before humans had even attempted manned interplanetary (let alone interstellar) travel it was a strong candidate for a life bearing "exo-planet" since before the 21st century crash. When the governments of Earth had finally united around the dawn of the 23rd century and attempted to expand beyond the Sol system, Trappist was a priority candidate for exploration. What the first explorers found was more than they expected

Trappist is an ultra-cool red dwarf star with a small diameter and a number of seven planets orbiting it in stable, quasi tide-locked positions. The planets are however in such proximity that they influence one another continuously breaking their tide lock. This is particularly an observable event on the three borderline habitable planets, Trappist IV, V and VI, known as Dust, Shadow and Deep. Of these three Shadow (Trappist V) is the only planet permanently colonized so far, it being the closest to the baseline for sustaining human life - at least around the variance areas.
The irregularities in the planets' own rotation and the fast rotation times mean that the three planets do not have "days" per se and run on universal time instead. The Trappist system is prone to dangerous amounts of X-ray and UV radiation, meaning that what little life exists on these worlds thrives underground or in protected pools.


Dust (Trappist IV) is a small, cool desert-like planet with an overall flat geography and a thick, barely breathable atmosphere. Humans have to wear protective gear when outside but the planet is rich with minerals, leading to the establishment of several mining operations


Shadow is the main inhabited world in the system but it is not a metropolis by any means. In fact when the first exploration teams reached the system in 2209 their reactions were some of incredible disappointment. Mostly tide locked, with variation in the terminator habitable zones dependent on inter-planetary interaction and with a thick, stormy atmosphere, Shadow was not the Eden past generations had dreamt of. In fact it was barely colonizable. Nonetheless, even as more suitable candidates were discovered Trappist V was slated to be colonized and in 2227 the colony ship made planetfall. The decision proved to be a lucky one, with the discovery of the resonance crystal caverns soon after bringing industrialization to shadow at a rapid pace. Life on Shadow is nonetheless very hard and although the surface is survivable for a while with no protection and the atmosphere is borderline breathable aboveground endeavours are not easy. The danger is doubled by the dangers of UV and X radiation emanating from the comparatively dark but quite close and very active Trappist star. Several times a year the entire population has to shelter in lead bunkers to avoid UV radiation blasts powerful enough to boil water. The proximity to the star means that an early warning system for solar flares was necessary before the first settlement was even established.

Shadow - Comparative statistics
/ Planet Baseline
Planet Size 0.91 1.00
Planet Type Cool STL Temperate ST
Distance From Star 0.029 AU 1 AU
Orbital period 6 SD 365 SD
Day 24 SH Convened 24 SH
Gravity 0.85 G 1.00 G
Biosphere Tier 2.2 4.0
Temperature Range -120 - +5 - +80 -89 - +14 - +60
Atmosphere Compatibility 84% 100%
Revised Earth Similarity Index 0.73 1.00
Hazards Violent Storms
Solar Flares

  Shadow - Demographics:
Planet Class Mining World
Population 235.000.000
Breakdown by species 95% Human
5% Prime Human
Breakdown by rights 98% Citizens
2% Residents
Breakdown by class 2% Ruling Class (1% Administrators, 1% Corp Management )
20% Middle Class ( 2% Researchers, 9% Tech Specialists , 3% Law Enforcement, 2% Culture Workers, 4% Bureaucrats)
78% Working Class (18% Technicians, 41% Miners, 7% Clerks, 12% Military)
Breakdown by wealth 2% very wealthy
7% wealthy
60% middle income
17% poor
14% Very poor


Deep (Trappist VI) is a large cold water world with very small landmasses. Its crushing water vapor atmosphere, mostly icy surface and massive subsurface oceans make it barely habitable for most terrestrial species while also making it a challenge for acquatic ones. Deep is nonetheless slated for further habitation and development as its very thick atmosphere and frequent storms make it incredibly effective at generating energy through turbines.

Trappist Station

Trappist Station is the system's main transportation and export hub. It is currently a simple starbase but Sol sector administrators have slated it for further development in the near future.
Star System

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