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Tzynn Empire

The Tzynn evolved from carnivorous, pack-hunting lizards that prowled the dunes of Tzynnia. They eventually developed a highly structured, hierarchical society that emphasized order and martial prowess above all else.   By the time the Tzynn entered the industrial age, a series of devastating global wars launched by a particularly ruthless warlord had already seen the establishment of a single, world-spanning nation. From these humble beginnings, the illustrious and ever-lasting Tzynn Empire was born.

Tzynn Empire - Civilization In Brief


Homeworld Tzynnia, Sal'Tzynn
Government Star Empire
Ethics Fanatic Militarist, Authoritarian
Biotype Reptilian Biped
Variance Base
Ascension Biological
No. of Planets 32
No. of Systems 145
No. of Advanced Facilities 12
Population 439.000.000.000
Alien Status Slaves
Synthetic Status Slaves
Borders Closed to all
Alliance None

Pre Space-flight History

Born in the heat and dust of Tzynnia, the ancestors of the Tzynn were ruthless carnivore hunters that in time learned to collaborate in packs to bring down larger prey. The strategy was so successful that even with the savage beasts of Tzynnia, the Tzynn became the apex predators and began fighting one another. A culture based on warfare, bloodlust and domination developed since prehistory and the Clans of the Tzynn did not stopped fighting one another until the entire planet was united under the first God-King. Some say that they have not stopped fighting til today.
  There is deliberately little known of the societies of the Tzynn before the rule of their God-Kings but what is known is that their society was even more bloodthirsty and ruthless, with century old vendettas and entire clans obliterated to the last. The unification of the Tzynn brought two things that arguably saved their civilization - the Code of Glory and industrialized servitude. It might seem strange that widespread slavery would make a society less ruthless but it is understood that before these reforms the Tzynn took no slaves, with the exception of small numbers of domestics. Instead every prisoner was slaughtered as sacrifice to ancestors long dead. Afterwards, with prisoners relegated to labor rather than death the Tzynn finally had a material base for industrialization.

  It took nearly four centuries for the Tzynn to progress from the steam age to the space age. It took a century more for the Empire to spread throughout the system. It was not done in a chaotic manner, but rather through imperial decrees, with convict slave labor serving as the primary workforce. The Tzynn refer to this time as the Age of Glory, when the basic structure of Tzynn order was extablished. Arena battles became part of law and the great clans rose to preeminence It was also around this time that the tradition of attempted coups by lesser royals solidified with the seizing of the palace by prince Hussk and the subsequent casting in pure gold his entire cadet branch, who now decorate the pillars of the Statuary Garden.

  First Contact and Spread

  Science was an important if lacking in glory part of Tzynn society but according to official historiography it would be a weak, "unglorious" Tzynn that would truly open the Empire to glory. Vajj'ulusk, a theoretical physicist who had lost his dignity and arm in the arena in front of a rival to his lover's affections first identified the hyperlane network and was the first to travel through it. Free of the confines of their Home System, the Tzynn spread like wildfire, occupying nearby systems in the name of their clans and empire. Several conflicts would have to be fought by the Imperial guard to attest the supremacy of the God-Kings decree and persuade the quarrelsome Tzynn clans to share the resources of new worlds.

A decade or so after first taking flight the Tzynn had their first contact - with a late industrial age civilization of peaceful savanna-dwelling mammals, the Mastari. Fire rained from orbit as the Tzynn descended to enslave the baffled Mastari and occupy their homeworld. Any opposition was put quite literally to the sword.

  The Tzynn were jubilant at this rapid victory and the eternal glory of the ever-lasting Empire was praised by all. It would not be their last victory but it would be their easiest. The Tzynn's next contact was with the young Asaraki race, religious plantoids, of a build similar to the Tzynn themselves. Though a young race, the Asaraki fought the Tzynn vine and thorn, inflicting heavy losses in ship to ship combat and mounting a resistance on their homeworld that lasted several decades and was only quashed during the previous God-King's reign. The Tzynn also fought an upstart cephalopod race of treacherous traders, the Chinorr Combine who used deceit and the nebulae of their home region to their advantage, eradicating a Tzynn strike fleet led by the heir to the throne himself. The prince was used as bargain to force a peace by the Chinorr, and although it would not be the last time the Tzynn fought against the treacherous cephalopods the two races would learn to begrudgingly respect one another. By far the greatest foe of the Tzynn empire would be the Ix'Idar, swarmlike mindless insectoid burrowers who the Tzynn detest above all others. Not only is the re no glory in defeating a mindless foe but the Ix'Idar fight as one, with no glory in single combat and any captured exemplars wither and die almost immediately if enslaved. A half dozen wars have been waged between the Tzynn and the Ix'Idar with the Tzynn making little progress towards conquest, even with the God-King decreeing the genetic improvement of the entire Tzynn race to be even stronger.

Recently, new oponents have arisen - the Scyldari - traditionally a good source of slaves for the Tzynn have united in a military alliance with a race of warlike apes, the Humans and a race of crafty lizardlike weaklings, the Lok. Together these three think they might be able to withstand the glory of the never-ending empire. Perhaps it is time to put this notion to the test.   Recent Developments

  An Insult to Honor

The Humans of Earth had tried in the past to negotiate a neutral zone between the Tzynn empire and the systems belonging to their allies, the Scyldari. Now the Humans themselves violate their own notion of "peace" by colonizing a new world right in the middle of hteir so-called neutral zone, a Gaia world they laughingly call "Eden". With the majority of Tzynn forces mobilizing for a new war against the bugs the God-King has not yet repaid this indiscretion in kind.   A missing cruiser

Between the war agains the Ix'Idar and a potential slave-taking campaign against the Xani, the Imperial Fleet Command has issued a recall and retrofit of all ships patrolling the borders. During this recall, however one of the ships heading for port, a deep space strike cruiser belonging to the fifth armada has gone missing, with no signs and no transmissions, its last known location being somewhere on the edge of the Chinorr's prospecting worlds.   A threat of Action

Tales of the Glory of the Tzynn Empire penetrate far into the black of space,with stories of their deeds used to frighten children into obedience. Yet not al lare frightened by the Tzynn, some are angered. Ten years ago, shortly after the capture of Tavask, one of the Ix'Idar worlds, the Tzynn discovered a number of survivors from a primitive race, overtaken by the Ix'Idar and likely slated to be consumed. With a recapture of the system imminent Grand Admiral Karr'Uvask ordered a purge of all life and a razing of all the settlements. Shortly after, the Imperial war council received an impromptu communication from a new contact, bypassing all security filters and broadcasting directly into the Emperor's Chambers. The newcomers identified themselves as the Anduri or Watchers, an elder race dedicated to the preservation of all life in the Galaxy and put the Tzynn on notice, saying they had watched them closely, had followed their transgressions and that any further purges or atrocities, especially against younger races and those present on only one world would be met "with consequences". The Tzynn did not get a chance to reply before the Watchers cut off communication. Soon after, a squadron of huge, incredibly advanced ships were seen, waiting stationary on the Tzynn Border before disappearing into the void.
Geopolitical, Empire

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