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  The Tzynn are a cruel and warlike desert-dwelling reptilian race who value strength and victory above all. Imperialistic, haughty and violent, the Tzynn are dedicated to glory in battle and conquest. Their philosophy is one of might makes right and honoring one's leader, ancestors and clan. Tzynn rituals and prayers, of which there are many, almost always include sacrifices, either that of their own blood, valuables, animals or slaves. A Tzynn's word is their bond and breaking that word is one of their greatest crimes, depending in part on who it was broken to. Tzynn who have sinned against clan or superiors can be asked to take their own life or willingly cut off bodyparts - fingers, ears, eyes, even entire limbs. Minor conflicts are settled by clan elders through understandings, usually battle to first blood, corporeal punishment or the aforementioned chopping off of bodyparts. Major conflicts are settled through battle in the arena, usually to the death. Tzynn are prone to consider almost any conflict as a "major one".
  Serving in the military in any capacity is considered righteous by the Tzynn, second only to serving the God-king directly. All other jobs - research, bureaucracy, manual labor are disfavoured and even police duty is considered second class. Hard and "shameful" work, that is work where one does not command others directly nor engages in violence is reserved for slaves.
  Adult Tzynn vary in height from about 1.9 to 2.5 meters and average around 120 kilograms. They have powerful torsoes, thick scales in weak areas clawed four fingered hands, four eyes and large, multi-fanged mouths. Females are usually smaller but as the Tzynn continue growing until death an old female can be much larger than a young male. Tzynn live naturally for upwards of 90 years but the vast majority never reach 70. Tzynn scar, bite and cut their body ritualistically and often sacrifice bodyparts to honor. With uncauterised limbs growing back with time replacement cybernetic limbs are seen at the very least as suspicious, often as a mark of dishonour, employed by shadier types . Tzynn are strong, durable and well armored and have a tendency to survive wounds that would have killed any other race. Their chase predator past has left them with dual hearts and armored lungs which makes them formidably resilient foes. Tzynn are rightfully feared by other races although their direct, honorable nature often gets them in trouble in confrontation with more cunning foes, trouble which the Tzynn adore, as there is almost nothing more glorious than defeating unsurmountable odds, especially when the enemy has tried to deceive you. Tzynn have no mercy for deceitful opponents and no mercy in general, and the vanquished foes that they do not kill, flay or torture are taken as slaves.
Tzynn are dogmatic, they believe that their bioform is superior and needs no improvement so they use neither cybernetic enhancements nor genetic ones, except if dictated by the God-King, something that has occurred only once in the past. Psionics are anathema to The Tzynn and any psionicist is flayed alive.
  • cruel
  • honorbound
  • battle ready
+1 Str
+1 Armor
  Relentless - Easier death survival - roll 1d8 for rounds - Revive on 15+.

With very few exceptions, all Tzynn serve the Tzynn Empire.

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