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United Nations of Earth

The myriad Human nations that constitute their interstellar government are disparate, yet united in purpose. These bipedal mammalians have developed a society that encourages and even thrives on individual freedoms and cultural differences - as a result, Humans tend to integrate well with alien populations.
Despite this, they have strong martial traditions (produced by millennia of intermittent warfare on their homeworld) and their sometimes aggressive and unpredictable nature should not be underestimated.

United Nations of Earth - Civilization In Brief


Homeworld Earth, Sol
Government Representative Democracy
Ethics Fanatic Egalitarian, Xenophile
Biotype Mammalian Biped Primate
Variance Base + 2 Subspecies - Prime, Ur
Ascension Biological
No. of Planets 17
No. of Systems 75
No. of Advanced Facilities 10
Alien Status Citizenry
Synthetic Status Free Residency
Borders Closed to Hostiles, Open to Refugees
Alliance Lower Belt Federation

Pre Space-flight History

The humans of the Sol system are a race of mostly hairless biped mammals, that evolved from hunter gatherers over millennia. After narrowly avoiding nuclear self destruction, societal breakdown and climate apocalypse the various nation states were slowly united into an older coordinating body, the United Nations, to better centralize the dwindling resources and manage ecological reconstruction. This shift towards centralized management was incredibly successful and soon brought even rogue nations under UN control.
  The biggest steps forward were made by the UN in the field of space exploration, an endeavor that had moved mostly into the private sector during the early 21st century and was all but abandoned during the climate and social upheavals of the second half of the 21st century. In the 22nd century with a large part of the Earth already consolidated, giving increasing power to the UN in the fight against climate disasters, famine and resource depletion the UNSC started an aggressive space program, looking to find the necessary resources needed on earth to stabilize weather patterns plus house and feed nearly twelve billion people. The program was incredibly successful in itself but exploration drones discovered a strange anomaly at the edge of the Oort cloud. This was dubbed the Xinhua wormhole, the first ever discovered faster than light means of transportation. Initial exploration by unmanned craft showed the other end of the wormhole connecting to a point a few light years from what was thought to be the Deneb system, with several neighboring stars showing possible life signs.

Without any further exploration the UN launched the Ulysses Initiative, a colonization program aiming to send massive ark-ships, each bearing a quarter of a million colonists, to the newly discovered system. The Ulysses Initiative took less than two years to complete, six ark ships and 1.5 million people being sent towards the wormhole in close succession, scientists fearing the effect the mass of the ships would have on the portal. The fear was a correct one, as no sooner had the first ship, the Chrysanthemum, passed through that the portal showed signs of destabilization. The second arkship, the Hyacinth made it through, with the portal, now showing imminent signs of collapse. The third arkship tried to decelerate but the wormhole collapse tore it in two, causing al lives to be lost. The worst was yet to come, however. The wormhole collapse gave birth to a localized singularity, drawing in and destroying the last three arkships and a good number of escort ships before collapsing upon itself and disappearing. The greatest disaster in the history of mankind caused widespread turmoil on Earth and it nearly led to the collapse of the UN. Skirmishes were fought between more rebellious regions of the planet and UN forces but the turmoil ended with the mass resignation and prosecution of UNSF leadership.

The disaster would set back human space exploration by several decades and cause the UNSC to be increasingly risk-adverse in any new endeavours. For the better part of the 22nd century most exploration tasks were once again done by drone and even the discovery of the hyperlanes, stable and persistent interstellar conduits did not lead to the same excitement that the initial discovery of the Xinhua wormhole did.

  After the maiden voyage of the UNS Yuri Gagarin towards Alpha Centauri the long delayed spacefaring boom finally took place with five extrasolar colonies and a much larger number of starbases, research facilities, mining operations and energy collector arrays established within the Galactic neighbourhood of Sol. The colonization of the Trappist , Teegarden and Malkov systems led to new extra-solar resource gathering, trade and ship assembly operations that still form the backbone of the United Nations of Earth expansion drive today.

  First Contact and Expansion

The first intelligent, spacefaring species encountered by the UN were the Voor who had been exploring space for nearly half a century before humans. While much like humans, galloping climate change had driven the Voor towards the stars, the rapid adaptation of the race had made them haughty and tyrannical, facts that did not sit well with the liberty minded humans. Excitement at the discovery of other intelligent life turned to fear when it became clear that the Voor were more advanced and more developed. Consequently the UNE spent the betterpart of a decade fortifying borders and building a fleet. During this time first contact was made with both the Scyldari Confederacy and the Lokken Mechanists, some of humankind's staunchest allies in the years to come. The Human domain would soon expand towards the Perseus arm, where it would rub against the Voor fringe sector and through the Orion fork, up towards the Chinoor tradeworlds while a natural, open border with the Scyldari would be established along the Orion Spur. Since first contact there has been a special relationship with the latter as Humans and the Scyldari have enjoyed trade, research and migration pacts, self defense arrangements and, since the establishment of the Lower Belt Federation, alongside the Lok, full economic and cultural integration.

  Recent Developments

  Lost Brothers?   The United Nations of Earth walks a narrow path between the pacifism and exploration of its present and the militarism of its past in its continued mission to uncover the mysteries of the universe and find a home for humanity and its allies among the stars. With recent talks of more widespread diplomatic contact through the subspace network the UNE has started to obtain contact to more interstellar polities, from remnants of ancient empires to fledgling nations making their timid first steps in space. Throughout this time of increased diplomacy the Humans have often been greeted with cool stares, reproaches or closed borders and threats of war, with several races claiming to know humans and wanting nothing to do with them. It is now a working theory that at least one of the arkships might have survived and that humans might have flourished elsewhere in the galaxy. News of those missing brothers however seem to paint them as totally different from the benevolent explorers of the UNE.


One of the greatest discoveries in UNE history was the recovery of a computer archive with hundreds of thousands of uploaded alien consciousnesses. Recently, human scientists managed to construct advanced enough positronic brains to contain these uploads. To everyone's surprise, the droids the saved minds were uploaded into regained some semblance of sapience, with most memories intact. These new beings- not living but not machine either call themselves the Awoken and have settled one of the worlds on the Voor-wise Orion Rim in the name of the UNE. In return, the Assembly had no choice but to consider long time technophile demands to grant synthetics residency rights with a debate on full citizenship scheduled for next year.

  Hidden Eden

  After years of searching the void, one of our oldest and most decorated science officers discovered a rumored lost world in the Apache nebula. This world, close to the Chinorr corporate domain and reasonably close to the Tzynn Empire's borders. Under normal circumstances UN Colony Command would not risk creating an incident by settling so close to hostile borders but the discovered planet is a mysterious Gaia world, aptly named Eden. The first awestruck settlers have already landed on Eden and a Starbase is nearly finished in orbit but the "hidden gem" world is sure to draw the attention of the Tzynn and perhaps the Chinorr as well.
Geopolitical, Republic

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