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    "I served. Now I am free."
  Evolved on the arid planet of Xanth, the Vheln are a servile race of short-lived hulking reptilians who have for millennia been used by the Xani for heavy labor. Vheln are immensely strong but have over the years been bred to be subservient and docile, and while there have been cases of individuals abandoning their masters or refusing orders generally speaking, the Vheln have been completely domesticated. Vheln have a moderate sense of self and as a rule favor direct stimuli like music, food or slapstick humor over more intellectual pursuits.

  Vheln stand 2.4 meters tall, with a broad, humped back and long, powerful arms that end in long three fingered, clawed hands. As a rule the Vheln sand their claws blunt (or the Xani have them blunted for them) but "free" Xani have been known to grow them sharp. Female Vheln are redder in colour but otherwise physically indistinguishable from males. Vheln weigh between 120 and 200 kgs depending on their lifestage. They tend to grow to their largest size around maturity, between 16 and 30 years of age. Older Vheln become less servile and, if not smarter, then wiser while getting smaller in size, 2.2 to 2 meters by old age (55+) and weigh approximately 120-150 kgs. The longest lived Vheln recorded lived until she was 72 years in age but on average Vheln live 65 years at the most.

  Vheln seem to have a discrete cultural practice of scaring their lower torso with ancient symbols, similar to those found in prehistoric Vheln settlements on Xanth. Whether they still hold meaning to them is unknown. Otherwise few Vheln have opinions on body modification or genetic enhancement. Such decisions are usually made for them.

  • strong
  • dim
  • placid
+2 STR
      Unless they are runaways or renegades Vheln live in the Xanid Suzerainty.

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