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    "Surrender or die. You will not be warned twice."

  United by the prospect of total extinction when their homeworld entered a period of global cooling the Voor truly had to evolve or die. They chose the former and the result was a brutal technocratic regime that used every available resource and tolerated no failure. The Voor survived and prospered but at the cost of their empathy, their morality and, according to many, their soul. Today they spread among the stars, looking to put everything in order and challenge entropy itself. Woe to those that stand in their way.   The Voor are bipedal, hermaphroditic hairless monotremes, the descendants of communal-living hunter-gatherers. The average Voor is about two meters tall and weighs around 100 kgs. They have recurved legs, vestigial tailbones ( but no tail) and five fingered multi-articulated hands designed for grasping and gripping rather than hitting. Though not excelling at anything physical the Voor are extremely intelligent and have used that intelligence since early modernity to modify their bodies in ways many other races consider unspeakable and repugnant. Most of the Voor have some sort of body modification from subcutaneous feed tubes to jump actuators in their legs to metal arm replacements. Some Voor take their evolution so far that they can scarecly even be considered the same race - able to breathe water, live in 80 degree temperatures or scale straight up cliff faces on an articulated spider-like chassis. There is even an accreditation board, considering how "Voor" an individual still is and whether or not they still qualify for full citizenship rights. Almost all Voor have supplemented their relatively poor eyesight with biomechanical ocular implants that allow them to see heat differentials, in infrared, better detect motion or zoom in up to 4 times.

  The Voor mindset is equally alien and aloof. Though very smart and experts at picking up new skills, perfecting tasks or thinking on their feet the Voor have significant difficulty in picking up concepts like humor, free time, relaxation or art. A Voor might see the exquisite detail and craftsmanship on an object, but would never call it beautiful. He might understand the point of a joke is to subvert expectations then be baffled at why "a disemboweled rotten human" is not a suitable answer to a knock knock joke.

  There are at least five subspecies of Voor, though an argument can be made that every Voor is a subspecies in itself or that the race consists entirely of Voor Variants.

  • aloof
  • intelligent
  • adaptive
+1 INT
Heat/EM/IR/motion track/Zoom 4x vision.

  Almost all Voor live in the Voor Technocracy.

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