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Wormhole Stabilization

Science is yet to give us a definitive answer on how wormholes appear in the galaxy.  This is mostly because physics has yet to integrate the existence of wormholes into a united scientific model. Unified field theory can explain a lot of force manipulation and fuzzy logic field changes - indeed it has been used for over a century for anything from generating deflector shields, tractor beams and gravitational generators all the way to creating shaped particle edges. But the fact of the matter is that wormholes are neither generated by powerful gravitational fields nor are they outlets for some other type of cosmic energy that fits within the classic physics model. Wormholes connect two points in space-time, allowing near instantaneous travel across vast distances but they do not generate gravity effects, like black holes do, for instance nor do they generate any particular type of radiation. Of course, wormholes are a type of singularity, one powerful enough to "bend" space and keep it "bent" for cosmic periods of time, but they seem to function outside of the space that conforms to normal rules. Instead the study of wormholes, gateways, dimensional portals and even warp lanes falls under the purview of dimensional and singularity physics, a field that deals with the mysterious and still poorly understood hyperspace and its accompanying "carrier wave", subspace.   Current theories of dimensional physics have had some success in explaining the mechanisms through which exotic singularity classes work but very little success in explaining the science of how they appear or how they make use of subspace. What is known is that over 99% of wormholes of all shapes and sizes do not last, surviving only for between a few instants and a few minutes. Less than 1% of wormholes last for more than a standard day and less than 0,01% of these in turn become stable enough to be considered "permanent". Wormholes, "permanent" or otherwise are stable in the sense that they do not vanish but they are not stable enough to be used for travel, as the Ulysses catastrophe of the 21st century proved, early in mankind's spaceflight history. In order for a wormhole to be rendered truly stable for travel it has to undergo a stabilization process.   Wormhole stabilization requires a solid grounding in theoretical physics, both of the conventional unified field  and of the dimensional and exotic varieties. Through a complex subspace array field induction a Science Vessel can tune in to a wormhole's fluctuating dimensional harmonics and synchronize the ship's FTL inducer frequencies with the wormhole's. This is not dissimilar to the process through which a ship enters a normal hyperlane although, in a sense, hyperlanes "want" to be breached whereas wormholes have to be "coaxed" as Lead Scientist Vankratesh Taleb put it in his landmark paper "Dimensional harmonics and phase induction - a hypothetical approach to wormhole dynamics". Once the energy levels and the pattern of flow of a wormhole would be determined any allied ship would be able to safely travel via the wormhole simply by emulating its energy harmonics.
  The exact equations for wormhole resonance have for decades been a sort of holy grail of dimensional physics, and have only very recently been described at a theoretical level. With a more rounded understanding on the practical utilization of wormholes, there is hope that further advances can be made in the field of hyperspace and subspace studies as well as dimensional physics.   So far no wormhole has been stabilized by UN or allied scientists although a stabilization test has been scheduled for the Zalax Wormhole in the near future.
A naturally occurring subspace wormhole is a fickle thing, and its fluctuating energy levels typically make it impossible to travel safely between its linked apertures. There are ways to temporarily stabilize its matrix, however.
List of Known Wormholes:

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