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Xanid Suzerainty

The history of the Xanid Suzerainty is the history of the Vheln, carefully bred into sapience over centuries. The Xani used the hardy Vheln to subjugate the harsh ecosystems of their native world, and then to design and build the vessels that will eventually - inevitably - propel the Xanid Suzerainty to galactic dominance.    

Xanid Suzerainty - Civilization In Brief


Homeworld Xanth, Dir-Xan
Government Constitutional Dictatorship
Ethics Fanatic Authoritarian, Xenophobe
Biotype Arthropod Quadruped/ Reptilian Biped
Variance Base/ Base
Ascension Biological
No. of Planets 35
No. of Systems 100
No. of Advanced Facilities 8
Alien Status Indentured
Synthetic Status Slavery
Borders Closed
Alliance None

Pre Space-flight History

Xanth is a harsh, arid world of frequent earthquakes, solar flares, flash floods and fast, treacherous fauna. So it is strange that the Xani, comparatively weak Arthropods came up on top asthe dominant species, especially as they are smaller and weaker than The Vheln. But the Xani used their intelligence, ability with patterns and quick learning to dominate and eventually subjugate the stronger Vheln. From thereon the history of the two races was entertwined with the Vheln doing most of the work andthe Xani doing most of the planning. In time Vheln were bred for docility and obedience and the Xani nations used them to propel themselves into a golden age of science and technology. 

  It was during the Data Age that Xanth was finally united into a sort of elective dictatorship, with the various nation-states on the planet sending their representatives to vote the next planetary ruler until their passing. This led to a sharp decrease in the myriad small scale local wars that had been widespread on Xanth. It also led to the largest ever war on the world, when the all but certain next ruler was assassinated to prevent him from taking office. It was during htis last war that the Xani split the atom and the danger of atomic warfare was so great that the rulership of the suzerain was consolidated and the Xani started to collectively look to the stars.

  With a system as complex as Dir-Xan primitive space travel was never going to be easy but the Xanid complete rule over the lower castes and, more importantly, over the industrious Vheln meant that hundreds of small transports were buzzing through the void, ferrying minerals and energy cells from facilities staffed by the Vheln within a half century of the Xanid Suzerainty first putting a Vheln in orbit. It was not long until the hyperlane network was dicovered and the Xani took to the stars.

  First Contact and Expansion

  The first interstellar beings discovered by the Xani and their Vheln charges were the Crystalline Entities of the Inner Arm who proceeded to attack and destroy any ship sent to make contact. This infuriated the public opinion among the already xenophobic Xani and turned the originally peaceful exploration program of the Suzerainty into a military one. While the Xani needed living space and expanded quickly both corewise and down the near Arm, their next contacts were not any better than the first. Interactions with the Isolationist Maweer, with a jingoistic fallen empire and, worst of all, with the Voor and Tzynn solidified the idea that the universe was something to shield yourself from. The Xani turned inwards, fortifying their border systems and turning to the colonization and terraforming of the worlds they already had settled.
  Recent Developments

  Enemy Mine
  The Xani consider the Tzynn to be their mortal enemies, who they could never make peace with. This is interesting because the Tzynn do not pay the Xanid any notice. The Xanid Sovereignty's worlds are, however, an easy target and the Tzynn slavers have often made rich profits on captured Vhelk. While there has been peace with the Tzynn for almost a decade and the core worlds have been fortified at great expense the outermost planets do get raided quite often, something that Xani fleet command wants to use  to set up an ambush for the Tzynn.   Crystal Power

  The Xani high command had decreed that is just about time to once ad for all clear out the dangerous crystalline entities on the Suzerainty's borders, hindering its corewise expansion. High command has been throwing ships at the entities for decades, clearing one system but discovering newer, stronger variants the further they expand corewise. Perhaps it is time for a new approach to once and for all destroy the crystalline pests, and the new prototype swarmer missiles developed by Xanid research labs might just do the trick.   Missing Vheln
  The Vheln have been docile and diligent servants to the Xani for millennia. Since the birth of space travel the Vheln have been constant companions to the Xani and have never broken rank. Yet now, there is news of missing Vheln along the border worlds everyday. Could the Xani's faithful companions have rebelled against them? Do they entertain notions of freedom and simply run away? or is something much more sinister happening?
Geopolitical, Country

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