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Izanagi (ɡi)

Izanagi is a powerful spirit that resides within the dormant volcano of Mount Izanagi on the island of Sazanami. The Watali people consider him to be their protector and revere him as one of the most important kami in the Empire of Wamato.

Appearance and Personality

Izanagi is often depicted as a large, serpentine creature with a body made of molten rock and lava. His eyes glow with an intense inner fire, and his scales shimmer with a bright orange hue. His body is covered in intricately patterned tattoos that seem to writhe and twist, as if alive. Despite his fierce appearance, Izanagi is known for his benevolent nature and his willingness to aid those who seek his assistance.

Religious Practices

The Watali people hold an annual festival in honor of Izanagi, during which they present offerings of food and drink at the foot of Mount Izanagi. They also perform various purification rituals, such as the rinsing of the mouth and hands, before approaching the kami. These rituals are meant to show respect and reverence for the spirit and to seek his blessing for the coming year. This festival is held on the day of the summer solstice, and culminates in a large feast, where the people of Sazanami gather together to celebrate the bounty of the land and give thanks to the spirit for his protection. It is customary that the emperor of Wamato attend this festival and ascend the mountain to meet with Izanagi, in his role as the spiritual leader and interface with the kami.

During the festival, the Watali people also perform a traditional dance known as the Kami no Kura, which is believed to be a means of communicating with the kami. The dance is accompanied by music played oninstruments such as the taiko drum, the shamisen, and the shakuhachi flute.

In addition to the annual festival, there are also regular smaller-scale rituals and offerings made to Izanagi throughout the year. These rituals are typically focused on maintaining the balance between the physical and spiritual realms and ensuring that the spirit remains content and well-fed.

Shamans and Magic

Shamans in the Empire of Wamato are able to communicate with the kami and draw power from them. Shamans who wish to communicate with Izanagi will often make a pilgrimage to the top of the volcano, where they will spend several days in meditation and prayer. Those who are particularly attuned to Izanagi may receive visions or dreams that provide them with guidance or insight into the spirit's wishes. The Watali people believe that those who are chosen by Izanagi to be his messengers are blessed with the ability to perform powerful acts of magic, specifically in the realms of fire and earth. This power is typically granted only to those who have undergone years of rigorous training and who have demonstrated their loyalty and devotion to the spirit.


Izanagi is a powerful and important spirit in the pantheon of the Wamato people. His connection to the physical landscape of Sazanami and his role as protector of the island make him a central figure in the religious and cultural practices of the people who live there. Whether through regular offerings and rituals or through more shamanic practices, the people of Sazanami seek to maintain a strong and healthy relationship with this powerful and awe-inspiring spirit.

Current Location
Current Residence
Mount Izanagi

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