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According to the oral traditions of the Tau Dilaut, Nalu was a master navigator and sailor who traversed the seas of with unparalleled skill. His journeys are the stuff of legend, and his name is still spoken with awe and reverence among the his people.

Nalu was said to have been born on the small island of Luvu off the coast of Lahat. From a young age, he showed an aptitude for sailing and an insatiable curiosity about the sea. He spent his formative years studying the ocean's rhythms, learning to navigate by the stars and the tides, and honing his skills as a sailor.

As he grew older, Nalu began to explore the seas beyond his home island, sailing from archipelago to archipelago in search of adventure and new discoveries. He was a fearless sailor, unafraid to brave the most treacherous waters and navigate the most dangerous currents.

Nalu's voyages took him to many new lands, and he is credited with discovering several islands that were previously unknown to the Tau Dilaut. His mastery of navigation was legendary, and many sailors sought him out for advice and guidance on their own journeys.

But it was Nalu's supposed ability to communicate with the Laut, the spirits of the sea, that set him apart from all other sailors. According to legend, Nalu was able to speak to the Laut, gaining their favor and protection on his voyages. He was said to have a deep understanding of the spirits' desires and was able to predict the weather and the abundance of fish with uncanny accuracy.

Nalu's adventures are the stuff of legend. There are tales of him braving the wrath of the sea gods to rescue stranded sailors, of him battling sea monsters and surviving shipwrecks, and of him navigating through maelstroms and whirlpools with ease. Some even claim that Nalu still sails the seas today, his ship crewed by the spirits of the Laut themselves.

For the Tau Dilaut, Nalu is the spirit of the power and mystery of the sea. His legend has been passed down through generations, inspiring new generations of sailors and adventurers to set out into unknown waters. To this day, the Tau Dilaut offer offerings to Nalu in the hopes of gaining the favor of the spirits and the protection of the Laut on their own voyages.


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