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Ruairí Marcach Stoirm

Ruairí Marcach Stoirm is the Rí of Liria, and has spent the last fifteen years harnessing the strange nature of that kingdom to grant a measure of safety to its residents. He inherited the throne from his father shortly after marrying, as the story moved away from the former Rí. Today, few can even remember any Rí previous to Ruairí Marcach Stoirm - something he uses as an example of the hazardous nature of untamed stories.

Ruairí is a man driven, and a man trapped. In the realm of Liria and especially in the capital of Aerendel, the connection with The Dream is so strong that the laws of narrative are equals to the laws of nature. This creates unique challenges for the royal family, as so many stories revolve around kings and crowns. After seeing the story drop his father into obscurity and oblivion, Ruairí became determined to sieze control of the narrative laws that enmeshed him.

To this end, he founded The Talespinners, a group of bards and minstrels based out of the Three-Headed Tavern in Aerendel's Docks district. These storytellers are charged with shaping the stories that are told about the kingdom and the royal family, and disseminating the modified versions to the populace. The wider the stories spread, the more they impact life in the kingdom and the capital. This has had notable impact on the everyday life of the residents, and few can remember the last time a child was stolen by a talking wolf, or when a Fae curse doomed a princess to a painful exile. Other nations have taken note of Ruairí's success, and while the impact is not as pronounced in other regions, small chapters of The Talespinners have been founded elsewhere in the Great Ring.

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