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Tunniqaijuq (ː.juq)

Within the depths of the Avannarleq Sea, where light fades and the water meets ancient rock formations, lies the realm of Tunniqaijuq. An enigmatic and elusive deity of the Tuniit, Tunniqaijuq's presence is shrouded in mystery within a series of underwater caves. This chilling deity holds dominion over those who bear the weight of countless secrets, pulling them into a labyrinthine prison, forever known as the Uvavaut, or the Kept.

Tunniqaijuq is an elusive god, its existence only known through the caves it claims as its own. None have seen Tunniqaijuq in physical form, and it is said to be woven into the very fabric of the caves and the waters surrounding them. The deity's attention is drawn to those who carry too many secrets; those secrets call to Tunniqaijuq, and their weight drags the Uvavaut to the bottom of the sea.

Once claimed by Tunniqaijuq, victims experience a nightmarish descent into the abyss. The waters no longer buoy them, and they are drawn irresistibly into the depths by unsettling currents. The journey is swift and irreversible, plunging them into the dark unknown of the caverns.

The Uvavaut are forever bound within the lightless confines of the caves. While they do not perish, their existence becomes one of torment. They can never cease holding their breath, their lungs aching with each passing moment. The suffocating pain grows over time, a reminder of their captivity and the ever-present weight of their secrets.

Within the oppressive silence of the caves, haunting tapping and scratching sounds reverberate through the suffocating darkness. These enigmatic noises carry an unknown significance, as if they hold secrets of their own. Despite their efforts, the Uvavaut are unable to decipher their meaning, forever trapped in a realm of sound that taunts them.

The Uvavaut rarely encounter each other. When they do, they are unable to exchange words. Struggling against their speechless state, they resort to desperate methods of communication. They attempt scratching words onto the cave walls, invisible in the darkness but tangible to fingertips. They also devise tapping codes, hoping to bridge the vast void between their souls, but these attempts to communicate invariably fail.

Within the labyrinthine network of caves, the Uvavaut are cursed to wander, swimming from one cavern to the next. However, each new cave they enter is smaller than the one before, an ever-shrinking prison that traps them further within their claustrophobic nightmare. Their world contracts relentlessly until they find themselves entombed in the crushing depths, still alive but kept still and silent in the god's grasp.

Legends tell of courageous heroes who dared to venture into the treacherous caves, defying Tunniqaijuq's domain to rescue one of the Uvavaut. Miraculously, these brave souls have managed to liberate a few captives, providing hope amidst the unending despair. In these stories, the Uvavaut find ways to communicate their secrets to these heroes, finally breaking free from Tunniqaijuq's relentless grasp.

Tunniqaijuq, the monstrous god of the underwater caves, embodies dread, captivity, and claustrophobia. Its influence reaches far beyond the physical realm, ensnaring those burdened by secrets and forcing them into an eternal struggle for breath and connection. Only through the bravery of heroes can the Kept find redemption, shedding their captive existence and escaping the clutches of this ominous deity that lurks in the shadowed depths of the ocean.

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