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In the heart of Naga mythology lies the captivating tale of Vashirak, the slumbering serpent-god who embodies the spirit of Saba. According to legend, Vashirak once reigned as the protector and patron deity of Saba, bringing prosperity and harmony to the island.   Long ago, the Naga thrived under the wise rule of their beloved King Wainaba. However, the tranquil peace was shattered when a powerful sorceress known as Malika of Saba emerged from the shadows. Malika, fueled by her insatiable thirst for power, sought to usurp the throne and enslave the Naga. Employing dark magic and ancient spells, she cunningly lulled Vashirak into a deep slumber, binding the serpent-god's power to her will.   With Vashirak subdued, the Malikate tightened its grip over Saba, subjecting the Naga to an oppressive rule. The Naga, however, clung to the hope that one day their slumbering deity would awaken, heralding the overthrow of the Malikate and the resurgence of their people.   Legends foretell of a prophecy passed down through generations, speaking of the day when the magical bonds that ensnare Vashirak will be shattered. As the serpent-god stirs from his enduring sleep, his awakening will unleash a cataclysmic surge of divine energy. This surge will herald the downfall of the Malikate, shattering their reign and returning the sovereignty of Saba to the Naga.   The Naga hold steadfast to this prophecy, cherishing the belief that one day Vashirak's slumber will end, and their divine guardian will rise again. They maintain a vigilant watch over the sacred resting place of Vashirak, tending to the ancient shrine that has become a focal point of their devotion and aspirations.
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