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Researcher for the Malminar Council of Wizards

Images by Kbignell via Midjourney
The public mostly just know them as the Royal Researchers and, despite their distinctive uniform colors and insignia, have little to no idea of the designations or differences between the ranks of the Malminar Wizard Researchers.   Officially titled Researchers for the Malminar Council of Wizards, these Wizards do the work of the census of Malminar, cataloging of magical and non-magical phenomena, research on flora and fauna throughout the kingdom and beyond, indeed, throughout the world, as well as any other research or investigation into the world of Rit.   They are not, as some are wont to say, enforcers of magical law or investigators of crimes, major or minor, although they are sometimes called upon as expert witnesses in trials and investigations since many of the Field Researchers and Independent Researchers are singular experts in their fields.  
The life of a Royal Researcher is tedious, hard, and requires dedication and a penchant for specifics and precise methods. That being said, it can be very rewarding, if you like dusty books, or being away from all you know for long periods of time. Or if you just enjoy placing your life on the line for an extra paragraph in a tome no one will ever read. Knowledge is well worth all the fingers on one's left hand.
  • On his discovery and exhaustive documentation of the 7 turn life cycle of the spiky-tailed ice worm.
  • - Pendalt Vanhowl
  • Independent Researcher
  • Field and Independent Researchers often spend weeks, months or even turns away from Malminar and their homes to study animals, plants, ethnicities, etc... as well as tracking down legends and stories about magical phenomena or artifacts. These strong well trained Wizards are also often used to track, capture or kill Warlocks when they are found. Of course, sometimes, they become victims of Warlocks, monsters of the machinations of devils and other demon aligned creatures.   Life is full of adventure and danger for these intrepid souls.



    A Researcher must be a Wizard of the Realm for at least 2 turns as well as being a graduate of the Primary School of the Craft. Promotion to the next rank is based on merit and a series of tests for each rank.

    Career Progression

    There are four levels of Researcher

    1. Associate Researcher - Mostly library research and assistance with the coding, classifying, and recording of more senior research materials. Brown robes with copper insignia of a wilit bird perched on a pear tree branch with a single pear hanging from it.
    2. Public Researcher - Library research, census recording, assistance with practical magical and mechanical experimentation with some freedom to do and catalog ones own research after approval from the council on the contents. Light yellow robes with a bronze insignia of a giant eagle in flight, a fish in one claw and a serpent in the other.
    3. Field Researcher - Independent research on approved subject matter, travel to foreign locations to research localized flora, fauna, phenomena and other subject matter, typically as a member of a team with in support of a Independent Researcher - Bright blue waist coat with a gold hem, typically only worn when on official Council or Royal duties or at formal occasions. They wear a silver insignia of a wyvern in flight attacking a giant rock lizard.
    4. Independent Researcher - A Wizard permitted to perform field, practical, mechanical, and magical research and experimentation with in the bounds of the Council's charter. Often leaders on expeditions to foreign lands for specific research of unique phenomena and resolution of legends and stories. The formal uniform is a silver waist coat with a bright red hem and accents, their insignia is a rose in full bloom with a rose bud and a crossed sword and staff behind, done in red gold and platinum, often with precious stone inlay, in accordance with the particular Wizards taste.

    Payment & Reimbursement

    Researchers are paid based on years in service to the Crown as well as experience and past results.  The beginning salary is not much, but does come with housing and food as well as medical care for family and Wizard. Field and Independent Researchers are often handsomely rewarded for their service and can earn bonuses based on discoveries and contributions to the greater good of the Realm.



    To further mortal knowledge of magic and its workings as well as a standing charter to discover a way to bring the gods back to the mortal realm if possible.     All researchers are also tasked to find and recover Godly artifacts or artifacts from before the Blessing.   The third standing task of all Researchers is to defeat or expose so it can be defeated, all Demon activity, to include, but not limited to, the elimination or capture of Warlocks and their associates, elimination of monsters, Demon powered or other, that threaten any mortals or their way of life, track down and eliminate devils when possible.
    Alternative Names
    Wizard Corps, Royal Explorer. Royal Researcher
    Research / Scientific
    High. The Crown of Malminar and the Counsel of Wizards is very keen to gather as much knowledge about all of the world of Rit that can be gathered, to include the Demon Lands.
    Read more in the books "The Minds of Gods and Demons" beginning with the first book,

    Even Gods Lie Sometimes

    Cover image: by kbignell via midjourney


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