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Session 61: Imix Falls!

General Summary

The heroes turned into the hall, led there by the geas-bound Maralith. Tymaret was the first to see the towering fire of Imix as he rose up from his throne. Dwarfed at his side was a medusa-fiend, Maliskra, a high cleric of the cult of Tharizdun. To Tymaret’s right the hall continued for a great length, braziers down its extent. In the middle of the hall lay a charred corpse, recognizable as Lareth the Beautiful, and seemingly just destroyed by the demi-god. From his outstretched hand rolled a crystal skull with a single red gem in one of four sockets: the Orb of Oblivion!

Imix spoke like a roar of flames and demanded reasons for disturbing the Prince of Evil Fire.

The heroes had no plans to speak, only to fight. Tymaret and Mike rushed towards the flames while Orlac commanded his captive demon. Maliskra ran for the orb, but was waylaid and Emmanuel picked up the skull. Em was instantly aware of the powers granted him, spells, planar travel, while darker arts still lay hidden.

Tymaret threw his might at Imix, his booming blade cutting into the Evil Prince. Imix reigned fire down upon the Paladin of Tymora, but luck was on the side of good as Tymaret was able to dodge many of the blows. Mika, too, attacked from the rear, slicing with her dagger. Soon Imix teleported to the opposite end of the hall and Tymaret’s wild magic caught up with him and a unicorn appeared at his side, healing the heroes.

Maliskra, fought through to Em and the orb, petrifying Beaufort with her gaze after he had managed a pike thrust, and slowing Orlac as he prepared his spells. Em’s hexes continued to weaken the side of evil.

Almost without warning, Imix fell, or rather exploded in a burst of flame of cinder, his roar of defeat and warning echoing down the hall. Maliskra followed soon thereafter and the demon Maralith as well. A rest within Leomund’s Hut cast by Em, brought healing to all and later restoration to Beaufort. A Word of Recall cast by Orlac brought the party to the familiar sites, sounds (and smells!) of Orlac’s Temple.

The plot to use Imix and the Orb of Oblivion to release Tharizdun has been utterly rent by the heroes. The cult leadership is destroyed. The Crater Ridge Mines thrown in chaos. The Temple’s denizens routed. It seems that peace and good will make their way back. All that remains of the darkness is the orb. In Emmanuel’s hands.

Rewards Granted

Maralith: 15,000
Maliskra: 5900
Imix: 22,000
  Total per PC: 8580 XP


The Orb of Oblivion:

  Without the gems inserted, each orb has the following powers, which are mentally communicated to its possessor (spell save DC 18):
At will — cause fear, detect evil and good
1/day — feeblemind The possessor also knows immediately if someone tells them a lie.

The possessor of the Orb of Oblivion knows the location of the Orb of Silvery Death, and can travel unerringly to that location as if using find the path.

With one or more of the elemental power gems in place, the orb has the following additional powers, which are mentally communicated to its possessor:
At will — plane shift to and from the corresponding elemental plane
1/day: investiture of wind (air gem), investiture of stone (earth gem), investiture of flame (fire gem), investiture of ice (water gem), conjure elemental (type corresponds to gem(s) inserted)

The possessor is also immune to lightning (air gem), acid (earth gem), fire (fire gem), and/or cold (water gem).

Imix teleports down the hall & a unicorn enters the fight!

Report Date
02 Aug 2022
Primary Location


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