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The Zhentarim is a mercenary company, and greater mercantile organization in Faerûn, who, over their 200 years of existence, has had a storied history as a cadre of self-serving thieves, spies, assassins and malevolent wizards. For a time members of the Zhentarim served the dark gods Bane and Cyric. Zhentil Keep on the northern boundary of the Moonsea is the historical centre of the Zhentarim, a centre from which the organization has attempted to control trade and gain power throughout the Western Hearlands and the Sword Coast. The highest leaders of the Zhentarim, Lord Manshoon and Fzoul Chembryl, control the network from Zhentil Keep. The Harpers are oppossed to the Zhentarim.
The symbol of the Zhentarim
Illicit, Syndicate


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