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Mounds, hydras and smites

General Summary

The party reached the edge of the forest, finding a vast swamp. Choosing to stick to the road, they followed it west along the southern edge of the marsh. Before long, a thick fog began to roll in, reducing visibility drastically. The road turned north, rising up onto an endless wooden boardwalk. The sounds of all manner of critters and creatures filled the foggy air. The boardwalk was quite sturdy, but everyone decided to dismount from the horses, to spread weight.   Continuing north, Shadowpaw spotted a crocodile in the water. She used her ring to cast Speak With Animals and struck up a conversation, much to the croc's surprise! Falimar told her that he hadn't seen anyone matching Olivia’s description, but did warn her that the swamp was home to an alpha predator and that the party should stick to the raised boardwalk. Leaving the croc behind, the group continued north into the fog.   Strangely, a section of the boardwalk was completely silent; the hums and chirps of wildlife hushed as if bewitched. Investigating, no cause could be found. Very shortly after the strangely silent section, a mound could be seen further ahead just to the side of the road. It was so noticeable because the marsh had been quite flat so far. While Felix and Blathen argued, trying to convince each other to Misty Step onto the mound to take a closer look, Zaouli decided to just go for it and used his dark blessing to teleport onto the mound. This was a mistake.   The mound shifted and writhed, swallowing Zaouli in rotting vegetation, suffocating him slowly. It was a creature; a Shambling Mound. Zaouli’s attempt to shock it from the inside only ended up healing the creature. The rest of the group sprang into action coming to Zaouli’s aid. Nirian Zuluprun decided to remount Bonnett for the fight as the boardwalk was sturdy so far. They hacked, slashed and threw spells. They chipped away at the creature and with a sweeping blow, Oraula ended its wretched existence. It collapsed into a pile of rotting vegetation, Zaouli flopped out, gasping. Nirian told the others that another mound was approaching from the west! Just then, ripples in the water started to appear, but not from the direction of the second mound. The swamp fell silent… Then, crash! Something huge had slammed into the boardwalk. Bonnet lost his footing and fell into the water to the right of the boardwalk. Fortunately Nirian managed to jump off. Shadowpaw also fell into the water, but to the left of the walkway.   Before the party could work out whate happened, from out of the swampy water right next to Zaouli, an enormous five-headed crocodile creature erupted. Immediately attacking, its heads snapped and chomped at Zaouli and Shadowpaw.
The party peppered it with spells, arrows and slashes. Blathen was getting frustrated, his fire spells singeing the creature but never quite finding their mark. Oraula’s Moonblade slashed deep, ridding the hydra of it’s first head. Shadowpaw, wading through the water of the marsh, fired arrows that dropped the second head cold. Nirian noticed that Bonnett wouldn’t be able to get back onto the boardwalk without help, so he leaped off the platform, landing on Bonnett’s back. He then activated his ring of jumping, and Bonnett exploded out of the water back onto the dry wood. In a blaze of glory, the duo charged the Hydra head-on. Nirian made contact with his sword; a critical hit. With holy fury, he unleashed a smite on the creature and his white-hot sword cleaved through one neck, then the next, and finally through the last. In one sweep of righteous power, the beast had been felled.   Blathen and Nirian went back to find the horses that had bolted south when the fighting started. Riding atop Bonnett, they speedily gave chase, but after a few hundred feet they slowed to a walk as they saw a figure up ahead. A woman sat on the boardwalk, dangling her feet in the water. She matched the description of the Druid that the group was here to hunt, Olivia, but did they turn back to get the rest of the group? Did they fuck…
They walked slowly past, and greeted her. She greeted them back, asking why they were passing. The pair told her they were looking for horses, which she confirmed had passed through. She offered to help, and whistled for them, saying they would be along shortly. Blathen asked her about the attacks along the road. He mentioned that they were looking for a Druid and were sent by The Monastery. Her pleasant demeanour vanished. She told them that she couldn’t let them return to The Monastery and that they would be coming with her. Nirian’s armour began to heat up. It became unbearable until Blathen cast Dispel Magic. Olivia stated that Nirian’s metal armour offended her. The pair were forced to go with her. Nirian tried to send Bonnett to rally the rest of the party, but Olivia stated, while she would not harm Bonnett, she couldn’t allow him to leave.   —Session End—
Report Date
01 Aug 2023
Primary Location
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