Oceane Castellan

Oceane Castellan (Mairead Oceane Abelia Castellan; born 15th Treant, 118 IE) was High Queen of the Castellan Kingdoms Kingdoms from Sixth Titan, 241 IE until her assassination by poison in Ninth Serpent, 270 IE. High Queen Oceanne's rule has been defined by her reaction to the sudden threat of Theocracy expansion.   She oversaw an expansion of the western borders, refurbishing old forts and building new ones. Small kingdoms voluntarily subjugated themselves to the Castellan Kingdoms for a promise of protection from the undead under her reign.   Under the Ninth Serpent, 270 IE High Queen Oceane was assassinated in the Capitol Castle. Vicereine Alouisa Cirillio and the Grand Councilate have assumed the rule of the Castellan Kingdoms until her son, Liliam Castellan comes of age. She was killed with Alluran dye, a purple dye that is highly toxic when unprocessed. Her assassination is still under investigation.

Public Opinion

  The hawks of Castellan believe that High Queen Oceanne should have more actively pre-empted the inevitable invasion, while the doves believe she was being paranoid -- surely there is no way that the God-Lich would be so brash as to invade the glorious nation of Castellan, never mind the fact that the Theocracy has, and continues to insist that it is engaged in war with the entire world.   The commoner tends to have a favorable view of the former High Queen. The investment in Wesarch involved paying for many soldiers, craftspeople and artisans to provision the new forts, and commoners are famously known to enjoy having jobs. Her rule is often contrasted to that of Thalassa, who seemed to care more about the exterior affairs than the interior, and is certainly favorable to the 'rule' of Psamathe.

Oceane Castellan

Portrait Placeholder - Woman

Placeholder Woman by Annie Stein

High Queen
Reign6th Ti 241 IE – 9th S 270 IE
Coronation1st Phoenix, 241 IE
PredecessorPsamanthe Castellan
SuccessorLiliam Castellan
Born15th Treant, 118 IE
SpouseWister Aurum
ChildrenLiliam Castellan
ParentsPsamanthe Castellan
Everard Reia
NamesMairead Oceane Abelia


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