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There I was, havin' some supper with my kin, next thing I heard was the crack of bones, screams and the sounds of a raging beast from next door. I'll never forget that night. Not for as long as I live. - Peasant

A lycanthrope, is a humanoid individual who possesses the condition of lycanthropy, a condition which causes the afflicted individual to violently transform into a savage animalistic hybrid, known as a were-form.

Basic Information

Biological Traits

In their humanoid form, Lycanthropes are indistinguishable from other of their ilk, making them difficult to track.

Lycanthropes possess the ability to shape-change into a were-beast form. Particularly for newly manifested Lycanthropes, this transformation is incredibly painful, as bones crack, limbs re-align, and muscle enlarges.

Most Lycanthropes are not in control of this transformation, resulting in randomly occurring transformations in which the Lycanthrope cannot retain memories of deeds done in one form or the other. This kind of Lycanthrope will lead a confused savage life isolated from it's kin.

In rare cases, a Lycanthrope is able to master their condition, making them a significantly more formidable foe. This is done through intense willpower and focus and is only typically attainable with guidance from another Lycanthrope who has 'mastered' the condition.

Lycanthropes who attain greater control over their condition are able to shape-change at will, and even retain memories across forms, allowing them the advantages of the were-form, while also having the ability to speak, wield conventional weapons, and even blend in with civilisation.

A peculiarity in the Lycanthropy condition means that under the light of a full-moon, Lycanthropes are violently forced to transform into their were-forms. This is not a problem for Lycanthropes that have mastered the condition, as they can plan around this event.

Genetics and Reproduction

It is widespread misconception amongst the un-educated that lycanthropes spread their curse via a bite, a fang or a tusk. The truth of the matter however, is that the condition of lycanthropy is transmitted through bloodlines.

If a lycanthrope bears children, they will inherit the condition, although it is not always guaranteed that it will manifest, as the condition is capable of lying dormant in the bloodlines of offspring for many generations.

The condition of Lycanthropy can manifest at any point during an afflicted individuals lifespan, making it's emergence often both unpredictable and terrifying to onlookers.

Some cults and societies revere Lycanthropes, and will encourage them to reproduce as much as possible, most noticebly The Black Thorn Sect and Northborn Beast-cults.

The were-form of a lycanthrope depends on whom they inherited the condition from. Were-wolves, rats, boars and bears are all loosely documented via bards tales and scholars notes, but other were-forms do exist. Where each different were-form comes from, and how the condition began, is unknown.

As Lycanthropes are vulnerable to Silver, some scholars suggest that they have supernatural origins.

Additional Information

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

While in their were-form, Lycanthropes gain enhanced senses depending on their were-form. A were-wolf will have a keener sense of hearing and smell, and a were-tiger might be able to climb most surfaces or leap great distances.

A were-bear transforms in an isolated cave

A were-wolf stalks the fields

A were-tiger that has learned to wield rudimentary weapons in it's were-form

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