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The Emerald Enclave

Remember, that we all are brothers and sisters
All people, beasts, trees and stone and wind
We all descend from the first gods
That were always there
Before people lived and named them
Before the first seed sprouted

Enclave scripture

The Emerald Enclave is a far-ranging group that opposes threats to the natural world and feriociously protects the wilds. Members of the Emerald Enclave are spread far and wide, and usually operate in isolation. They learn to depend on themselves more than others.

The enclave is infamous for being unforgiving to those that they deem unable to peacefully co-exist with the natural world, but incredibly hospitable and kind to those that show respect.


The emerald enclave is best described as a decentralised congregation of druidic circles, and other individuals, that all work towards similar, although broad goals.

The enclave recruits by selecting individuals that show an aptitude and sensitivity for traversing and maintaining the wild, typically druids or rangers.

Those that are recruited by an individual within the enclave might have to pass an initial trial or test issued by the recruiting member. This can range from safeguarding a vulnerable ecosystem, to retrieving a cutting from a rare or obscure plant.

Once recruited, members of the enclave are referred to as 'Greenwardens' or sometimes just 'Wardens' for short.

Those sworn to the enclave will often find themselves working alone, but in times of need, many greenwardens will congregate to solve a problem or enact a plan. When a congregation is called, animal messengers are dispatched, cryptic messages are whispered on the wind, and subtle signs appear in divination seances and readings.

The emerald enclave has no formal hierarchy or ranking structure, but younger or less experienced wardens will often defer to older, wiser members, which are informally refered to as 'Crones'.

Where possible, individuals within the enclave might seek the guidance of Fey creatures, although educated enclave wardens know that the Fey are fickle, and are to be respected, but not always trusted.


While most greenwardens live and operate in the wild, some choose to live within greater society, often offering their services as healers and apothecaries, while keeping their ear to the ground in case of trouble that might require their attention.

The ideology of the enclave is that it is indeed possible for civilisation and nature to co-exist peacefully, and the ideals of the enclave tend to be akin to a tamer variant of Wood Elf culture.

There are some however who grow increasingly dissatisfied with the largely peaceful ways of the enclave, and desire much more extreme action to place the mortal races back into a pre-historic state of fear and superstition in regard to the wilderness. These discontented individuals are identified by and then recruited by The Black Thorn Sect.

Public Agenda

The emerald enclave's ideology is known amongst themselves as 'The Old Ways', which refers to a simpler time where the mortal races were at the mercy of the wilds, enforcing a level of respect and reverence towards the natural world.

Publicly, the Enclave prolcaim that they wish to restore and preserve the natural order, keep the elemental forces of the world in check, keep civilization and the wilderness from destroying one another, and enforce the natural balance of the world if neccessary.

Greenwardens can usually be found patrolling the wilderness, on the lookout for aberrations, undead, or over-ambitious guilds looking to exploit natural resources.

Sometimes, wardens will integrate into a society, often offering their skills in service to the populace as healers or apothecaries, while keeping their ear to the ground for any issue that might require their attention.

Wherever possible, wardens are taught to use diplomacy and reason to resolve a situation without the use of force, acting as a diplomat between the mortal races and the natural world.

Druidic Circle
Alternative Names
The Enclave
A Greenwarden on patrol

A Brooch engraved with the mark of the Emerald Enclave

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