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The Grey Lady

She walks between the trees and the mist they say... a crooked smile upon her face, ever watching from every tree or creature... If you can find her, she can help you, but there is always a cost. Always a price. - Rothya farmer

What little is known of the Grey Lady is confined to myths and local legends. She is told to appear as an older woman draped in ragged cloth. She supposedly walks with a stick, and has skin as grey as a corpse.

She is known to dwell within The Silent Woods, in a part of the woods where the trees drip and rot, and the water turns thick, black and putrid.

There are many rumours and myths surrounding the Grey Lady. Namely, that she can be bargained with to grant wishes or make the impossible possible. Denizens of the woods and of Rothya will sometimes walk deep into the wood out of desperation, hoping to encounter her to right a wrong or to bargain for fame and fortune.

The people who have sighted her the most are the people of Saker's Point, who teach their children that if they see an old woman with greying skin and a hungry smile, gazing at them through the misty woods, to look away, and to never approach her.

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