


Serving Poartlind since 1503

  Any student of Poartlind University will tell you that there's no better restaurant in the city than Bachelli's. The establishment is said to be as old as the university itself, or at least its modern incarnation. Sturdy oak pillars and a deep hardwood floor are the restaurant's standouts, along with plush red benches and elegant, wavy glass windows. The restaurant almost looks like it stepped out of a fairy tale.   And, in a small way, it did.  

Foundation of Bachelli's

Bachelli's started as no more than a small shack at the edge of a construction zone. Poartlind University's new grounds were in the process of being staked out, built, and, in the case of the administration building, purged of any trace of Wizard influence. Ricardo Bachelli, the owner, was a stout man who barely fit in his own shack. It sat on a cart, to be moved around as the construction zone grew and was established. still, the workers needed to eat, and Bachelli was more than happy to provide. Meat sandwiches, water, and fresh fruit were his offerings, the fresh fruit at the insistence of his wife, Monica Bachelli. They lived day to day in another small shack on another cart, their entire lives packed up on the back of a donkey. They didn't know what they would do when the construction of the university finally finished and the workers moved on, but they trusted in the Creator to provide.   As construction on the core grounds completed, a curious edict came from the Castle of Brass-Any man who could lay claim to a plot of land in the city (not already owned by someone else) and hold it for five years would have full ownership of it at the end of five years. On the same day this edict was issued, Bachelli's cart broke a wheel, plopping the cart-and his life-in the middle of a narrow plot of land between the University and Fleenor street. Bachelli, in his 60s and feeling his age, decided against his wife's wishes to leave his shack where it was and start a new life, right there.  

Woods and Walls

Contrary to Monica's fears, Bachelli's soon grew into a local standard. The two carts formed the foundation of a new restaurant, one that began to grow into the stately if odd-shapped triangle that was its plot of land. The shack that had once been the little food stand formed the basis of the kitchen, serving as the portal between the new kitchen and the restaurant proper. Their former clientele of construction workers was replaced by hordes of hungry students and teachers, along with other locals who had desperately laid claim to their own plots of land. The restaurant grew, and grew, eventually expanding upward when they had filled their plot of land.   Today Bachelli's stands three stories tall, dressed in trees and vines and wavy glass. It's been passed down from owner to owner, father to son to uncle to friend to son again.
Founding Date
March 1503
Pub / Tavern / Restaurant
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