Lazuli Populares

We here do swear, by oath and sword   to end this reignn of terror and restore peace to our land   by pen we wish, by sword if must   ere our land fall to the mind of madness
  The Lazuli Poplulares were founded fifteen years after the fall of Dalreme, when the kingdoms of Ruben and Lazuli had settled into their cold war against one another. While Ruben was ruled by Lord Blackwood, King Ruben's former advisor, Lazuli had the misfortune of being ruled by Lord Fitzroy, the former master of Merriment. The Court Jester, as he was so often deridedly called. While he was at first a competent ruler, with the parliament hastily formed to keep him in check and the country from coming apart at the seams, over time his obsession with proving himself superior to Blackwood began to erode his mind. After fifteen years his edicts were nonsensical, often contradictory. The parliament was doing all it can to keep up, and the young heir Timothy Dalreme IX was of frail health and unable to do more then the occasional public appearance. Something had to change.   The Lazuli Populares are a cohort of parliament members, influential society members, and former members of the royal court, determined to rip control of Lazuli from Fitzroy and return it fully to the parliament, until Prince Timothy can come of age. Their efforts are stymied by those members of parliament who still wish to curry favor with Fitzroy, doing their best to appeal to his whims. There is a small amount of dissent amongst the group what the young Prince's role will be once he is of age, and his King's Blessing develops, proving him the true heir to Dalreme's throne.

For the Love of the Queen

Members of the Populares

  Horace Catt   Clint Meyers   Eugenia McGuigan   Erin Murtagh   Garth Koban   Steward Cressey   Colin Poole   Derek Welch
Founding Date
July 1918
Political, Activist
Related Ethnicities


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