
The Lake where the Red Lilies Grow

She's a beautiful place, isn't she?   All but exploded overnight, after the Castle fell-   Some of the houses still look like they just got stacked on one another.   But we managed to perservere. And look at her now! A port city like we never would have dreamed! Bustling and vibrant and prosperous! I have to wonder what we'll do when the heir takes the throne, but we'll manage. We always have.
— ~The Mayor of Sare
  Sare was a quiet fishing town whose only renown before the The Night of Falling Crowns was that it was home to King Ruben's private hunting lodge, which he would visit in the fall as he toured around the kingdom observing the fall harvest and, more impotantly, the Hunt. After Dalreme Castle fell, however, it became the home of Lord Alfonso Blackwood, who carried with him the young Richard Dalreme VII, said to be the next heir to the throne. The town exploded in population as refugees from the ruined capital sought to follow their future king, settling around the shores of the lake. Entire new districts were built as people, industries and titans of trade battled for space near Cardinal Castle, the new home of the young prince.  

Village by the Red Lake

Sare's most well known feature, aside from the current residence of the young Heir, is the vibrant carpet of colors that descends upon the town when the autumn comes. The trees turn a brillant display of reds, golds and oranges, which reflect in the lake in resplendent glory. The harvests from the surrounding villages are brought to Sare for the grand festival, the apple orchards bursting with their fruit.  

Districts of Sare

  Sare, when it was a a fishing and logging town, had a central shopping plaza, a warf, and a large and expansive lumberyard to process the bounties of the forest. After the Night of Falling Crowns, Expansive residental areas and new commerce districts fought for space along the shoreline. Finally, the mayor put his foot down on the explosive expansion, and comissioned a council of architects to design new districts to accomodate the massive increase in population while perserving the native architecutral design of the town. While many, many concessions had to be made, a new commerce district featuring multi-story buildings was built at the former edge of town, and the railroad station was greatly expanded to accomodate the increase in industry that flowed in and out of the town. A new arts center was built close to the castle, with a field especially set aside for the Royal Circus to perform in every summer as they passed through the town.
Industry   Fishing, Logging, Carpentry   Primary Imports   beef, wheat, textiles   Primary Exports   wood, iron and metals, fish, finished woodworking   Points of Interest   Cardinal Castle   Sunrise Lake   Ol' Boar Mill Winery and Pub   [Mountain]   Climate   Mountainous, Cold and snowy in the winter while warm and dry in the summer months.
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