Summer Camp 2023: Packing for an Adventure!

In Which Tink spins in happy little planning circles

It's time for Summer camp again! In 30-ish days we will begin the adventure of building our worlds in new ways never seen before! But first, we must pack and prepare for this grand adventure!    


  Theme 1: Power   While the main focus during the announcement stream was Power as a 'action' regarding people and parties, I can't help but think of it as a force of energy, used to move people and goods from place to place. Power can have multiple connotations, and I'm eager to explore them all!   What first pops into my mind are my Ekyls, water creatures that give off enough Ekyltricity to power a city with a few small colonies. (Admittedly this energy is not as widespread as it is in our modern times.) I should explore Ekyltricity as a force of energy and power, should the chance arise. (I NEED A GRAPHIC FOR MY EKYLS)   Theme 2: Frontiers   Oooh, this is a good one for me! A very large portion of the Mortal Lands could be considered frontier, even well into the world's development and technological progress. The Night of Falling Crowns caused the destruction of many kingdoms and colonies, and much of the world has returned to wilderness. Those few countries that have remained have huddled in on themselves, struggling to survive.   However, that was 20 years ago in main-story time, and the world has stabilized. Adventurers and explorers are setting out in droves, ready to conquer the land once more. Scientists are studying the Forest of Metal, hoping they can find a way to stop its steady advance before it covers half the continent. Ancient ruins from the Ageis Kingdom have been rediscovered, bring with them untold secrets.   Theme 3: Relics   Screaming in the distance   I cannot express in mere words how absolutely stoked I am for this theme. In traditional fantasy/adventure one's thought may tends towards such as the golden idol from Indiana Jones, or the crystal skull. My thoughts, instead, turn towards the myriad of Relics revered by the Catholic church as expressions of both God's power and grace, and the faith of the saints whose relics they are. The Shroud of Turin is probably the most well-known, along with the One True Cross, the Nails, and the Crown of Thorns. There are others, however; it is tradition that a new church will have a relic of a saint (normally the one it is named for, but not always) interred in the altar. Entire bodies can be considered relics; there are certain saints, such as St. Clare, whose bodies have resisted decay decades after their death, with no preserving process.   Relics of the Church are divided into three categories: First Class Relics, which are body parts such as nails, hair, skin, and bones. Second Class Relics, which are items they possessed such as a Habit, a Robe, a chair, Or a rosary or medal. They can also be items associated with the Saint's gift, such as the many, many statues of the Virgin Mary and the associated Miracles. Third Class Relics are items that have been touched to a first or second-class relic. It should be noted that, due to the nature of history, preservation and human greed, many older relics can never be 100% verified as a relic of the saint/passion that it is attested to. (There are far more 'thorns of the crown' and 'pieces of the true cross' than there would actually be if someone put all the pieces of the cross back together. Don't get me started on the Holy Grail.)   My personal favorite relics to talk about are The Host and the Blood of Lanciano, The Holy House of Loreto, and St. Clare of Montefalco. I already have a book that is considered a second class relic in the world of my books: The Journal of St. Bernard, the catalyst for my main character's adventures when it is unexpectedly recovered in an old well. I'm hoping I can finally write its article!   Theme 4: Communication   Not gonna lie, I was kinda looking forward to a theme similar to "Monstrous" From last year-something that allows the author to explore the darker corners of their world. Still, Communication is an important aspect of any world, even those in the most ancient of times. Being set in a 1920s era, however, I have far more options at my disposal. Telephones, telegrams, letters, and even magical means are all possible in my world. And of course, there are the constructs left behind by the Memoria. If someone were to repair and restore the old communication networks, the social and political landscape of the Mortal Lands would change drastically.    As long as I don't have to Conlang. I don't even know what that is.  


  With Great Responsibility comes Great Homework. We're really the only people in the world that get excited about homework, aren't we?

Homework Week 1:

Make the Pledge Page.   This is the Pledge Page.   Oh Look, the Pledge:
by TinkerTech
  Yes, I'm only going for Silver this Year. You all can Diamond or Die, I'm going to be trying not to die in FFXVI.   (I'm probably going to end up going for Diamond anyway)   Since the homework for week 1 is on the simple side, I'm going to take some extra time this week to not only clean up my meta as suggested, but start cleaning up my world in general. I'm slowly researching what it takes to be a published author, and an established platform/fanbase is if not essential, then a huge boon. I want to start publishing some short stories set in my world on this site, to start building a fanbase. And, of course, having a wiki for everything certainly helps! (I'm also having an anxiety crisis over how I want to use my penname/writer identity, so that's fun.)  

Homework Week 2

  Oh hey, look, the 'Extra Credit' homework is cleaning up worlds. Looks like I'm getting ahead of the game! I made some lovely new splash pages and covers for my world, and I want to keep making more. Maybe one per article type?  

Homework Week 3

  And the Theme of being ahead of the game continues! I've already been working on creating new headers for my world, and I want to generate a small library of 'filler' images for articles. I have way too much fun with photoshop.    

Homework Week 4

Reading Old Articles! I've been doing that too! admittedly out of Nostalgia over anything else. 
Summer Camp Packing List:
  • Notebooks
  • Background Noise
  • Mental breaks
  • Emotional Support
  • Snacks
  • Tea
  • What is Summer Camp?   Summer Camp is the best World Anvil event in the UNIVERSE! Worldbuilders are given a set of prompts in 1 of 4 themes over the month of July to add to their world and inspire them! You can check out this year's Challenge Page!Right here!   Have you Done this before?   I have! You can check out my planning article for insight as to how I approached Summer Camp Last year. If there's homework about inspirations and stuff, go look at that because not a lot has changed.   Are you going to Sponsor again?   HECK yes. I'm adjusting the rewards a little bit because, while I love the Scarf of Holding, it's not a fun prize for people who aren't fashion inclined. I'm still trying to source a Really Cool Mug, but I found a journal set that looks really nice with good paper to add as a choice.   I'm also going to have a 'Judging' article where I give insight into my judging process like mine from Last year.   Where can I see your Progress?   Summer Camp 2023
    Done looking at me? Go look at some of these other cool folks and their Homework!   WordiGirl   Catablepon   nnie   RPGDinosaurBob   Kwyn Marie   Usuperkings   ShadowPheonix   Deleyna   AmélieIS
    Now that the Homework stuff is out of the way, I can use the rest of this page as my scratch-pad for Summer camp.   I've got a bunch of Articles and Stubs that would be great to fill out during Summer Camp, such as:
    Lazuli Dalreme Livingbrook Master of the Grain Memoria
    Calgary Bethoman Dalremian King Ignatius IV Julius Johnstone
    Ohm Poartlind University Pixie Richard Goodvich
    Rod Braende Ruben Dalreme Sarah Goodvich Shimshar
    St. Fiule Termina Peninsula The Black Forest The Creator
    The Kingdom of Lazuli The Kingdom of Ruben The Republic of Cailsmarch The Unclaimed Lands
    I've also got a list of other ideas that I would love to dive into:
    • The Eternal Battlefield
    • Span
    • The Lunis Archiapelago
    • Elijah Goodvich
    • The Journal of St. Bernard
    • Golsmiths
    • The Treefolk
    • Timothy Dalreme
    • Cirra Misthallow
    • Fledge Hailweather
    • The Crossroads
    • Arcbishop Sweeny

    Articles under Summer Camp 2023: Packing for an Adventure!

    Cover image: by TinkerTech


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    Jun 7, 2023 17:59 by TJ Trewin

    Silver is a great goal to aim for, you've got this :D What would be your perfect prompt?

    Journals of Yesteryear

    Jun 17, 2023 14:36 by Sailing Ocelot

    Ahoy there! Best of luck with your silver goals! (and maybe more?) I do like the idea that power can have so many connotations...I hope the prompts allow you to write more about your water creatures and the ' Ekyltricity' power source. What do your ekyls look like? I love your idea of an expanding forest of metal - very punk! I hope you have a wonderful summercamp and have fun playing through FFXVI as well :D

    ~~~~~~~~ SailingOcelot
    Jun 18, 2023 19:35 by Rin Garnett

    Can definitely tell which theme is your favorite so far ;) Best of luck reaching silver next month, and may the prompts be forever in your favor!

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