The Blightbringer's Wrath Military Conflict in The Mortal Lands | World Anvil

The Blightbringer's Wrath

We've struck his name from all records, familial and governmental.   His madness nearly meant the end of us and our people. We cannot speak his name without great shame. So we strike him from memory, His final defeat did not happen at [lake], but in the few documents we could carry out with us. Only an ephitet remains, a ghost to haunt the waters of [lake].   Blightbringer.  
— ~An Elder of the Tlecti


  Tlanexti Valley was under seige. Not by men or by machine, but by a plague of [insects]. It's suspected that they originated from further west, riding in a container of fruit bound for Shimshar. Without a natural predator, they soon exploded in population and began to ravage the crops. Entire fields began to fail as the [insects] ate their way across the valley. The farmers soon became desperate.   The leader of the Tlecti, [name], began to personally look into solutions to fight the insect horde that had descended on his lands and ravage the crops. He found an answer in an unexpected place; a Memoria storage facility hidden in the Begoria Mountains. Within, along with several functional Mechanicals and other Memoric wonders, he found a potent mixture that was designed to kill insects.   The Tlecti came to call it Xocoakti; Poison Water. It was soon their most potent weapon against the plague.

The Conflict


The Blightbringer's wrath ultimately resulted in The Spill, an environmental disaster that poisoned the waters of Lake Tonanepalt. Though the Blightbringer himself was slain, it was too late to defuse the explosives set on the containers that held Xocoakti. As a result the Tlecti were displaced, fleeing their homeland before the poisoned water supply took their families.


Tlanexti Valley was soon abandoned, the land now unable to sustain the Tlecti. Though a band of adventurers managed to keep the Spill from reaching the sea, the after-effects remain. Even now, anyone who drinks of Tonanepalt. dies within minutes, unless the water is purified. Tlecti, who were children when they were first forced to flee the homeland, are now grown and searching for a way to clear the blight from their land for good.
Tlecti Leadership
  While the Tlecti people and [valley] are formally under the domain of the Shimsharian Emirates, on a local level they operate independently from the overseeing dictatorship. A council of Elders from both the [Mountains] and [plains] are led by the Chieftan, selected in a ceremony when a new leader is needed. The Chieftan leads the people until their death, or until circumstances no longer allow him to lead his people safely and effectively.
Conflict Type
Civil War
Battlefield Type
Start Date
July 14th, 1897
Ending Date
May 8, 1900
Conflict Result
Blightbringer Slain, Lake [lake] poisoned, Tlecti displaced from homelands.


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