The Crossroads

No better place to be than the Crossroads, if you're a sailor.   Any trade that wants to go east or west has to come through here. You get the best of both sides of the Mortal Lands.   And that's just the imports! The port itself is easy on the eyes after long weeks at sea.   And that's nothing said about the Ladies...
— ~A Shore-sick Sailor
  The Crossroads is a citadel and town set upon an island, in the middle of the ocean. While once a small island town having immigrated from the Mortal Lands continent to the north, the Crossroads soon blossomed into a prosperous trade route, and with good reason; Walker's Canyon made it near impossible to set up a consistent trade route over land; by sea was the only guaranteed year-round trade route. By importing foods from Shimshar, the Crossroads could serve sailors making the long trek around the continent. And where single, wayfaring men are, there are women ready to relieve them of their purses for an evening.   The Town expanded, and it was only rapid legistlation from the Island's mayor that kept the island from descending into the same den of debaucary that Cincini was known for. Instead the island became known as 'party city', a place to forget a sailor's cares for an evening while still guaranteed to report for duty in the morning... for the most part.  

A City of Endless Delight

Venues of every sort dot the town; From the typical pleasure dens and opium holes, to more sophisticated dance halls and speakeasys. Liquor flows freely, unless the imbiber is unable to stand. Music plays at nearly every corner, save the residential district so the dedicated men and women who keep the Citatel running during the daytime can get some sleep. The old fort that was The Crossroad's heart serves as the most popular venue for entertainment, hosting a large dancehall decorated with magical lights and crystaline fountains.


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Aug 30, 2024 14:28

Written very nicely. We all need a place to rest after adventures

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