The Dark Monks

Ah, come on, you've heard all the rumors.   Every one of those high-and-mighty faiths has got 'em, you know-   Secret cloisters, men in dark robes-Yes, I know they all wear black robes, They're Creationists, but that's besides the point-   They take care of the 'little things' that they don't want you to see. Anyone that speaks out against them? Gone. Anyone that happens to dig up evidence against their faith? It vanishes. Some even say they're working to drag all of the Mortal Lands back to the Jade era, when they had the power. Yeah, Marble era, totally meant that.   Anyway-What was I sayin?
— ~A Rumormonger in Poartlind
  The Mortal Lands are full of many secrets. Some wisely kept, some not. The The Church of the Creator Has long since held that no man is infallible. Everyone falls, everyone stumbles. Everyone's got a secret or two that they don't like being shared. Even the Church itself-if not for the reasons most people think.  

The Shadowed Apostles

The Dark Monk's origins can be traced all the way back to the founding of the Church itself, To the time of the Shadowed Apostles. So named because their early days of ministry often forced them to work at night, in the shadows of forests and barns and even graveyards, The Shadowed Apostles worked to spread the gospel passed down by the Savior before his ascension into the Heavens. Chief amongst their duties was protection of the Rock, Ishmael, specially chosen by the Savior to lead the Church after his departure. Though the group as a whole put their faith in the Creator above all things, no small amount of discretion was used when ensuring the safety of the man who had been handed the keys to the kingdom.   After Ishmael handed the keys to Linus and passed away, protection of the leader of the Church changed to reflect the changes in ministry that had come about in the forty years since the founding of the Church. The congregational population had exploded exponentially, and already there was no shortage of Shepherds wandering astray or heretical teachings creeping into the secluded halls of worship. Pope Linus elected a small band of disciples from the Church fathers, And Charged them with carrying his messages to all the churches that were starting to spring up in the Mortal Lands. Following in the footsteps of their predecessors, they traveled the Mortal Lands bringing the Gospel-and gentle reminders from the Pope-to the scattered Churches.  

The Dark Monks

As the Centuries passed, the Role of the Dark Monks changed from messengers and protectors to agents of the pope's Authority. While a small number still serve as personal guards of the Pope, most are used to act on the Pope's authority with discretion in areas that the Church would rather not become a politcal or social firestorm. Traditionally, this list includes but may not be limited to-  
  • Tracking down stolen Relics or forgeries of Relics
  • Admonishment or correction of Church Fathers who have strayed from Church teaching
  • Rescue of missionaries from foreign lands
  • Prevent the summoning of Demons from the Infernal realms
  • Excorcisms


Despite being a clandestine and secret organization, or perhaps because of it, the Dark Monks have become the 'boogeymen' of the Church of the Creator. Multiple Reclaimists, Aetheists, or people who just don't like the Church in general have cited the Dark Monks as the reason 'men of learning' have gone missing, research projects suddenly left defunct, or protests against the Church suddenly left without support. However, none of these claims have proven substantial. That being said, time and persistent rumormongering often distort the truth, as was the case with known Astronomer Alberti.   The Dark Truth is, of course, that the Dark Monks have seen and dealt with far worse than what their detractors would even dream of claiming to their acheivements. But that is a story for another time, and another place...
Founding Date
32 AD
Religious, Other
Ruling Organization
Parent Organization

Organization Strucutre

  As the Dark Monks are not a public organization, their structure, members and daily itinerary are not easily available. Such information that has been gathered here has been through descreet monitoring of movements and events related to the Church.   It is believed, as per tradition and rumor, that the Pope himself, currently Pope Clement XIV, is the de facto leader of the Dark Monks. However, it is not likely that he is personally giving orders to every member of the group. His second-in-command, however, remains unknown. While members of the organization may have specialties or particular parts of the Mortal Lands they are based in, They do not have a rigid structure as a military organization would.
Known Members of the Organization
Brother Francis   Brother Bruno   Brother Thomas (Deceased)
This article has no secrets.


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Aug 16, 2024 12:31 by Menatith

Oooh, I really like this one! I'm a complete sucker for secret agents and spies and I really enjoy the juxtaposition of a dark reputation and "public" image vs what their actual goal is.

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