The Rest

"Look, we go in, we go out, we make 'dis quick-   If we don't blow before the coppas show, we all under 'da Rest.   And trust me, it ain't fun."  
— A unknown mobster before a bank robbery in Cincini
  Cincini is unique in its love of music; it permeates the streets, clubs, homes and seedy underbelly like a pungent yet sweet odor. Musical scores dot the skyline and the streets. Most of the festivals are centered around music. Musical Instruments can become instruments of amazement or destruction in the right or wrong hands, although which is which is often up to the interpertation of who is asked.   But like all cities, there is a time when the Music has to stop. And that is where The Rest comes in.    

Stop The Music

  The Creation of The Rest came with the rise of Mayor [so and so] when Cincini's musical reputation was at its peak. Music played at all hours, at any volume a man could stand. the City was a constant party. Which, ironically, meant that the city came to a standstill when none of the meek, humble people who kept the streets clean, organized the paperwork and kept the canals clean could work because they were dropping from exaustion. They couldn't sleep.   A Curfew of 12 AM was swiftly enforced when Mayor [so-and-so] found his secretary half-dead on the floor from exhaustion. It didn't stop people from going about their business, but all music outdoors was to cease, and indoors to be kept at a predetermined volume. Cincini, being the former hotbed of villany it was, rebelled fabulously. Mayor [so and so] Comissioned The Rest as a enforcement tool for the police officers to carry when enforcing curfew. Eventually, the riots quieted and the jails filled.   After a few months, public opinion about the Curfew and The Rest settled; as fun as all-night parties were, it was just as nice to get a few good nights of sleep.  

Mechanics & Inner Workings

The Rest is a unique tool in that it is both magic and anti-magical. The Rest expells a field of nullifying magic from a small ball of Mystm's Bane, creating a large field where magic cannot be used. This is used to nullify the abilities of the city's many magic users, who often ply their craft through the musical instruments they carry.   It should be noted that The Rest does not supress or negate physical attacks; regular police officers are still required.
Item type
Current Location
Construction   A small black box held with two handles that jut out at right angles from the box. The box is rectangular, with its longer side facing the ground. Larger models take two police officers to properly carry.


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Mar 20, 2024 17:53 by Rin Garnett

I came for the pun and was not disappointed. This one works on multiple levels and it's fabulous!

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