The Rod Braende

As seen in
As the Fire Lilies in Summer rise in response to the flames,   So shall we rise as the flames of war threaten our home.   let us be a warning and a symbol, lest all we love are consumed by fire.
  The Rod Braende are a secret organization based in the ruins of Dalreme Castle, who oppose the warmongering Regent of Ruben, Lord Blackwood. Seeking instead the peace and prosperity the kingdom once lost, the Rod Braende defend the kingdom from Blackwood's underhanded attempts to prepare the kingdom for war.  

Flowering Fire

The Rod Braende draw their name from the Fire Lilies that blossom in the summer, when forest fires that are common to the region flare up and consume the woods around them. As the Fire Lilies are a stark reminder and warning of oncoming danger, the Rod Braende wish to be a warning against the war that threatens Ruben and Lazuli.  

The Public Perception

  The Rod Braende came seemingly from nowhere one summer, like the Lilies they were named for. Their deeds saving a farmer's family from bandits and a Circus train from robbers became quickly known, and soon they were cultural heroes. They kept their faces obscured, but a Red Lily was tucked into the cap or goggles band of every rider.

The Truth

  The Rod Braende was founded by the Heir apparent Richard Dalreme VII and his close friends. Fed up with the Regent's warmongering yet pressed with his duty as the future king-and the call of the Creator beckoning him-Richard turned to a strange Vigilantism to give himself ground against Blackwood while preparing himself for his future.

Known Activities


Farmer's Peril

  A Farm beset by bandits and burned to the ground! The Family, separated by bandits and the wife and daughter taken hostage, are rescued by mysterious riders that were passing through the region.



Founding Date
June 17, 1918
Secret, Brotherhood
Related Ethnicities

Known Members of the Rod Braende

  Richard Dalreme VII   Joseph Quinn   Nathaniel Conley   Baruch Mauney   Solomon Mauney   Henry Garvey   Benjamin O'Lynn


The Rod Braende are rebelling against Lord Blackwood's warmongering political policies and maneuvering, attempting to waylay the restart of the war between Ruben and Lazuli.


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