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Lo Shi

Lo Shi

Lo Shi grew up an orphan and relied on pick-pocketing and taking gigs from local gangs/bandits to survive with her earthbending. She found a mentor in a man named Gohin, he owned local bakery where the bandits would hold their secret meetings. She learned the importance of finding close individuals to hold dear and refer to as family. Naturally he became a father figure to her and gave her a black necklace she assumes to be obsidian (in reality it is a meteorite) for her 13th birthday. She carries the necklace around as a reminder that family is found wherever you want to place it.   Lo Shi snuck into a traveling circus and fell in love with tigerdillos after seeing one curl into a ball and roll around. This inspired her to learn how to compress/decompress the earth into spheres for travel and defensively curl into a rock sphere for protection.   After hearing rumors that Kyoshi can walk on dust and "fly" Lo Shi zealously attempted to track her down. Her intention was to learn this new skill and elevate herself in the underground community. Before she was able to head out to her journey she wished to say goodbye to Gohin and rave about her ingenious idea. Upon entering the building she found his corpse dead center in the middle of the room.   Lo Shi quickly fled the scene. Full of grief and paranoia Lo Shi wandered lost and full of questions never lingering long where she stayed. Desperation led her to find Kyoshi as soon as possible.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Short but slightly jacked. Appears to wear standard earth kingdom tunic with ripped pants. No shoes

Physical quirks

Has freckles

Mental characteristics

Personal history

What tragedy befell you at a young age?   Lo Shi grew up an orphan/street urchin, left for dead by the rest of the town.    Who do you hold most responsible for the tragedy? Why?   She holds the elite/rich responsible for her situation. She knows that they can easily give back to the community but refuse. Because of this bitterness Lo Shi found comfort with gangs/bandits because they too shared the same perspective and would steal from the rich.    Who helped you through your grief? What did they teach you?   Gohin, her self appointed father figure, helped Lo Shi learn to trust her comrades and understanding the importance of finding your own family in this world.   What symbol, heirloom, or mark do you carry to remind you of what you lost?   She carries the obsidian (meteorite) necklace that Gohin gave her as a reminder that she lost her home and those whom she used to consider as family.   Why are you committed to this group or purpose?   Lo Shi is stubbornly going to follow this group to avenge Kyoshi after feeling vindicated that the one person she believed that could help her just died in front of her eyes.

Gender Identity

Identifies as female



Morality & Philosophy

Has a grudge against the elite/rich

Personality Characteristics

Likes & Dislikes

Bread is her weakness in life

Vices & Personality flaws

Takes action without a second thought   Has no filter when speaking


Religious Views

Zero spiritual ties

Former bandit tracking Kyoshi for the past 3 years after hearing rumors that learned how to "fly" (dust stepping) from the underground community.

View Character Profile
Dark brown
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Quotes & Catchphrases
I'll make a pebble outta you!

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