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BDV's Journal about the Platinum Nexus


  Day 372, Year of the Dragon's Triumph   Today, I've witnessed the completion of Vokulthulum, the sacred altar dedicated to the mighty Bahamut. It is a marvel to behold. The gold and silver accents shine brightly, reflecting the divine light of our patron deity. Our artisans have outdone themselves, carving intricate patterns and symbols that tell the tales of Bahamut's valor and wisdom.   Vokulthulum is a testament to our devotion and unity as a people. Its central location within Arkosia ensures that all Dragonborn may come to pray and pay their respects to the Platinum Dragon. The air is thick with anticipation and excitement as we prepare for the consecration ceremony. We are honored to have the presence of seven gold dragons, Bahamut's trusted advisors, who have come to witness this momentous occasion.   This sacred space will serve as a beacon of hope and a symbol of our unyielding faith. I am humbled to have played a part in its creation and can only imagine the countless blessings that Bahamut will bestow upon our people in the years to come.   May the light of the Platinum Dragon guide us ever forward.   -BDV      

Zu'um Vahlok

  Day 37, Month of the Rising Sun   Today, I stand before Zu'um Vahlok ("Heart of Power" in draconic), a wondrous creation born from our people's knowledge and arcane skill. Its primary purpose is to harness the latent psionic energies that flow naturally through the crystals and direct the energy into Golt-Vahlok ("Forge of the Arcane" in draconic).   The vault itself is of colossal size, filled with intricate gears and pistons, always in motion, inspired by the cogs I studied in Mechanus. We, my dear friend Amyria and I, have labored tirelessly to design and construct this edifice, a testament to our combined dedication to Bahamut.   As the Master Architect, I need to ensure that the knowledge of the inner workings of Zu'um Vahlok is passed down to future generations so that the knowledge may not be lost upon my departure from this life (I'm afraid it will be sooner than Amyria wishes). However, I have taken precautions, and only those deemed worthy by the Sacred Seven will be allowed access to the inner sanctum.   To harness the psionic energy, the machinery of Zu'um Vahlok is designed to pull the energy from the natural surrounding crystals in the subterranean chamber. These energies are then focused and channeled through a network of conduits to Golt-Vahlok. This powerful energy source allows for the creation and empowerment of artifacts that were once thought impossible.   Despite the grandeur of the Heart of Power, I cannot help but feel a sense of unease regarding the true purpose of this machinery. For it to ultimately fulfill its purpose, the Platinum Dragon would have to die.   -BDV      


  Day 12, Month of the Falling Star   Today marks the completion of Mul-Lahvu ("Hall of Knowledge"), a grand library housing the accumulated wisdom of Arkosia. The tomes, scrolls, and tablets within its walls contain knowledge on every conceivable subject, from the mysteries of the arcane to the secrets of the natural world. Scholars from across the empire will come to study and contribute to the ever-growing repository of information. I am proud to have played a part in the construction of this invaluable resource for our people...   -BDV      


  Day 9, Month of the First Frost, Year 5311   Kriz-Ark ("Reservoir of Elements") is a triumph of our people's ingenuity. A vast underground chamber, designed to store and harness the raw elements of nature. Elemental energies course through the very structure, maintained by a delicate balance of powerful enchantments. These energies are then channeled to various parts of our city, powering the forges, illuminating the streets, and providing clean water for our people. For thousands of years we have harnessed the forces of nature to serve Arkosia, and in doing so, our empire shall thrive… my Fey friends warn me repeatedly that drawing from the Reservoir to create the four seasonal artifacts will unbalance the natural order in Arkosia and have grave consequences for the nation. Alas, my fear is in a greater loss: that of Bahamut. My life’s work has been to protect him from his twin and I will sacrifice anything to see that work complete.   -BDV    


  Golt-Vahlok ("Forge of the Arcane") this grand chamber served as a massive laboratory for the creation of magical artifacts.   The chamber was designed to accommodate the seven dragons. The ceiling soars high above. The walls are adorned with detailed murals and inscriptions of Bahamut and forging of artifacts.   The laboratory is divided into several specialized areas:  
  • The Foundry
  • The Assembly
  • The Vault
  • The Codex
  • The Roost
  • Type
    Journal, Scientific


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