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Gem of the Heavens - Kurtulmak's Howl

  We howl to you
worship you
Ask for forgiveness
What offense we caused thee
forgive us
  Killed your offenders—
bashed their heads in
Stuck them on poles
Remember us
  Glory to thy sling
Treasure you bring
floating in the sky
fortress from on high
landed in the night
Our eyes do sting
  Strangers came forth
elves humans
rabbitfolk dwarves
Kind and blessed
by Kurlulmak
A box with a lid
Treasure it hid
Bright within
  Your people traded
and treated them well
these folk from above
in your palace of clouds
  They soon forgot
your glory and power
Hungry and weak
needing help from
your people we fed them
and armed them
and taught them the land
  At your port we hid
your star under lid
awating your return
to take us
into sky and beyond
to the mountain of gold
mined by your hands
forever and ever
  We howl to you
  Kurtulmak! Kurtulmak!
Kurtulmak! Kurtulmak!


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