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Love Letter to Kylar

My Hero Kylar,
  How fair thee, my Hero? I hope the good peoples of Overlook have gotten to know your excellent and altruistic demeanor as I have. I know that their nasty orc problem will be sorted out in short order by your cunning wit and powerful physique (if it hasn’t already) and I hope that you will not soon forget those you left behind in Brindol who are very keen to see you again.
  But I must tell you a little something about dear little Brindol, how much excitement we have had these past tendays, and not much of it fair. After your magnificent rescue of us poor souls captured by those ugly goblin folk, the townsfolk spent several days in mourning all of the departed who so tragically left this life.
  • Our beloved Captain Kartenix, god rest his soul, fought till the very end to protect his people and his son
  • Thurann, the dear, sweet, sweet boy who had more spirit than most men I’ve ever known (yourself excluded)
  • Pitster, Davian, Smetyon and Korbie, all tragically consumed in fires
  • Willheim, Joshua, Davidson, Tanner, Ursey, Nivelbreaja, killed in action defending the northwest bridge
  • Prestyn, murdered in the street while walking to midnight service at the Temple of Erathis
  • Shurtzok, committed suicide while in the stockade, apparently overwrought with depression at the news that two of his fellow dwarves had died at the bridge
  • Smithe, heart failure after smoke inhalation and working long hours looking for survivors

  •   To these we extend our hearts and minds and wish them rest and prosperity in their afterlife.
      As to the lucky survivors, we carry on. Olde Sertanian has already restored the artifacts in the Great Hall to their former glory. Zerriksa spends most of her days attending the Shrine of the Sun after the departure of your friend, Thom. Mirtala’s battle with rat fever is over, Ioun be praised, and she has resumed her station as cook in the Blue Parrot.
      As for me, I must report that do to your example of honor and heroics, and the needs of Brindol after the fall of Kartenix, Joshua, Tanner and Willheim, I have registered my services and committed my life to the city militia. Yes, I know, the Gods help us! But your bravery is an inspiration to me and I just hope I can show you my gratitude by paying the debt forward, in some small way. We hope that you and your friends are doing well. News of Andronsius, Thom, Gorgoroth, and your other friends are most welcome. We would all greatly love to hear from you all again. You especially. Yours Truely, Jalissa


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