BUILD YOUR OWN WORLD Like what you see? Become the Master of your own Universe!

Ode to Draconians

This poem was found etched onto the bowl of a stone basin, buried in a crypt beneath Isla Oja in the Altaran Peninsula.   It apprears to refer to the creation of draconians, a race of monsters employed by COMPMOD forces. Draconians have been used as shock troops, spies and hard labor across Nerath.  
Beneath the gaze of statues proud and grand,
In Argosaquas’ guarded watery strand,
We, the chosen, bear our tale profound,
A union of might, where our dreams are bound.   From Arkoshia’s fiery peaks we hail,
And Bel Turath’s infernal tales regale,
Yet, above all, a vision did we see,
To craft a race, to set the world free.   Lishla, name given by mother in lair,
From father, the clan name, they call us Voltaire,
Scales of blue and breath that sparks,
But barren was I, no eggs, some remarked.   From the sands of Desolation I fled,
War-torn and barrenness, my heart filled with dread,
But Takhisis, the Golden, appeared in the night,
Promising offspring, a future so bright.   "Unite," she whispered, "with the Turathi kin,
Ulgrod, the tiefling, from mage guild within,
Motherhood is yours, unique and free,
Draconians, your hatchlings, as vast as the sea."   "In unity," our voices did declare,
"By dragon and devil, none can compare!
To quell the war, a new race shall arise,
Draconians, under unified skies."   Eggs of each alloy, my husand possesses,
A gift from his patron, Alloces of Nessus,
Lord Surgeon, he chanted, stitch unto these,
Queen Mother, I begged, for my offspring I plead.   Brass birthed the Baaz, plentiful and small,
In numbers they stand, answering the call,
From bronze, Bozak with magic in veins,
Leading with might, breaking enemy chains.   Kapak, the stealthy, from copper they rise,
Slinking in shadows, under moonlit skies,
Silver gifts Sivak, the sky their domain,
Soaring 'bove lands, free of any chain.   Golden Aurak, rarest of all,
Wise and fierce, they hear Mother’s call,
Infiltrators, disrupting every fray,
Their covert might keeping foes at bay.   Hark! For this chamber holds secrets untold,
Eggs awaiting warmth, stories yet to unfold,
Traps to protect, a safeguarding rite,
Yet few know the ways to make it right.   Above both dragonborn and tiefling, we aspired,
With a hope that never seemed to be tired.
Our ambition, a beacon in the dark night,
Guiding the future, shining so bright.   Away from war, from ancient pain's sting,
To a world where hope and unity cling.
Crafted races, masterpieces of lore,
Draconians rise, legends evermore.   The world shall witness, their glory and grace,
Children of dreamers, taking their place.
By this ode, their legacy sings free,
Of grand designs, and what's meant to be.   In unity, by visions so profound,
A new era starts, where dreams are unbound.
Thank us the Surgeon, his skill to make new,
All Hail Queen Mother, her whispers come true!
Text, Literary (Novel/Poetry)


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