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Scales of War

The Scales of War was a period of unrest that lasted over two decades, starting on the 30th of Flamerule, in the Year 1479, measured by the Calendar of Harptos.   The mastermind behind the war was Tiamat, though her forces were not directly involved for over a year. Tiamat made an alliance with the githyanki Emperor Zetch’r’r and promised the gith rights over the portals throughout the Elsir Vale (and thus to regions across the planes) for their help in securing the strategic locations and harassing the enemy forces.   General Zithiruun, a githyanki general was in charge of the initial infiltration. Zithiruun hired local warlords to cause uprisings and distractions across the Elsir Vale to pull local heroes and militias in different directions. Unfortunately, the orc chieftain Tusk, raised an army big enough to threaten the dwarven fortress city of Overlook. Overlook summoned fighters and adventures from across the realm to help fight the orcs. Among the fighters was a group called the Heroes of Brindol, who had already defeated one of Zithiruun's allies, the hobgoblin Sinruth at Castle Rivenroar.   The Heroes of Brindol discovered Zithiruun's arms dealer in the Shadowfell and warned the city leaders about an impending attack. Then they uncovered a plot to replace Overlook's priests, council members and prominent members with dopplegangers and stopped Zithiruun from taking the Mountainroot Temple, and its collection of portal gates. The Heroes, along with the other amassed warriors alerted to the threats, defended Overlook from invasion and killed Zithiruun.   Unfortunately, the Heroes of Brindol fell into a trap laid by other githyanki and were imprisoned and tortured for years.   Tiamat's dragon forces eventually attacked the Coalition outright but their efforts to undermine the defences had not gone as well as they had hoped. The war was a stalemate for many years. Then, to the horror of all good clerics and paladins across the planes, Tiamat succeeded in killing her twin brother, Bahamut, the platinum dragon.   Upon Bahamut's death, the metallic dragons retreated and the chromatic dragons advanced. It took another decade of fighting to secure the lands that Tiamat's forces now control called the Mottled Demesne. A new government was established to rule the lands, called the Commission for the Preservation of the Mottled Demesne (COMPMOD).
Conflict Type


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