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Session 2013.10.07 notes

General Summary

  • Party arrived in Overlook
  • Digen and Varus went to visit Rufus Crumley
  • - Left horses with man with limp. Told sad story about friend with no hands. New Guy gave him a gp - Tode let them in but thought they were Crumley's appointment. Were asked to come back tomorrow - Outside horses and man were gone, blood everywhere - Tracked blood to crippled man's body, people around eating horse meat - Tode took body back inside tower - Heroes jumped by 5 thugs. Killed 2 and others fled - Entered city walls and saw smoke on western side of city, went to investigate - Found huge brazier aflame on top of Pelor's temple - Digen spoke to worshiper about beliefs, looked inside temple. "The night is dark and full of terror". Invited to come back for daylight service.
  • Gorgoroth, Caesar and Thom went to Andronius' shop
  • - Andronius took them to ale house next door to talk - Andronius unhappy with Elsir Consortium, hinted at doing side jobs to make money. Really wants his own place. - Andronius told them about problems with kobolds east side of vale. Worship something called Vrax - Gorgoroth and Thom went to High Hall for Gorgoroth to look into real estate market. Wants to talk to Ink and Seal - Caesar went to Nine Bells district and donated large sum of gold to Raven Queen shrine 5 pp
    Report Date
    26 Sep 2024


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